Anointing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Anointing
As noun : विलेपन Ex:  The holy bulb Vial where we kept the oil that was used for the anointing of the kings of France, in the coronation ceremony
Other :
अभ्यंजन Ex:  A full anointing eloquence that creeps into the hearts उपलेप Ex:  A preacher full of anointing उपलेपन Ex:  etymologically, Anointed, who received some anointing लेपन Ex:  Sacred oil, balm mixed and used for anointing is done in the administration of certain sacraments and some other church ceremonies उ:   लेपन में एक और व्यावहारिक कठिनाई है। विलेप Ex:  The anointing of Bishops
Anointing ki paribhasha : baadhaashaanti ya mngal ke liye mntr padhakar kush aur doob se jal chhidkana lagaane ya lep karane ka padaarth
Anointing synonyms
unction chrism
Usage of Anointing in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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