Anonymity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Anonymity
As noun : अंतभवि Ex:  A consequence of this anonymity is that a great many poems
अज्ञात वास Ex:  The anonymity is the rule in this newspaper अज्ञात होने की अवस्था Ex:  This information was provided to me under the veil of anonymity अज्ञातता अनामता इखपाय गुमनामी उ:   अनेकों को स्वतंत्रता के बाद भी गुमनामी का अपमानजनक जीवन जीना पड़ा। गोपन झापपु तिरोभाव निह् नुति निह्नवन नज़रों से ओझल होने का बाव व्यवाकृति ह्नव ह्नवन ह्नुति
Anonymity synonyms
namelessness invisibility inconspicuousness anonymousness
Usage of Anonymity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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