Anonymous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Anonymous
As noun : बेनाम Ex:  There are also a large number of extant anonymous songs from the period. उ:   बेनाम जोखिम सूचित करने वाला माध्यम तैयार करना।
As adjective :
अमूझा Ex:  The early attacks were mostly anonymous अस्पष्ट Ex:  The first is the anonymous Scandinavian Saga of Hrolf Kraki. उ:   कभी कभी तो सूरज भी अस्पष्ट नज़र आता है। गुमनाम Ex:  When they can play with their anonymous status उ:   लेकिन गुमनाम रहते हुए। गोमगा Ex:  This is made explicit in the anonymous 1834 text छायावेष्टित Ex:  While most of the music is anonymous धुमैली Ex:  In fairness to the mostly anonymous composers of this repertoire नाम रहित Ex:  The anonymous poem an Siogai Romanach went म्लिष्ट Ex:  Such profiles are often anonymous विजल्पित Ex:  According to an anonymous Iraqi government official संदिग्घ Ex:  This can be anonymous memory with nothing in it
Anonymous synonyms
unidentified unnamed undisclosed nameless incognito pseudo pseudonymous secret unspecified unsigned jane/john doe x bearding innominate so and so such and such unacknowledged unattested unavowed unclaimed uncredited undesignated whatchamacallit whatsis you know who what's his/her name
Anonymous antonyms
known named identified
Usage of Anonymous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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