Antagonist meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Antagonist
As noun : अपच्छी Ex:  He is an antagonist of capitalism.
अरि Ex:  Hyrule, from Ganon who is the primary antagonist of the series. कीन Ex:  Memantine is a novel NMDA receptor antagonist द्वेषी Ex:  In most situations, ABA acts as an antagonist to GAs . पतपच्छी Ex:  Every muscle has its antagonist पर्यवस्थाता Ex:  Flexor extensor antagonist पृतनायु Ex:  It is my antagonist प्रतिकूलिक Ex:  This athlete was dealing with a rude antagonist प्रतिजन्य Ex:  You have him in it a dangerous antagonist प्रतिद्वंद्वी Ex:  , Running away through the bushes, Search loopholes when it is too pressed into the discussion with his antagonist उ:   प्रतिद्वंद्वी में सबसे आगे राजकुमार काछा थे। प्रतिपक्षी प्रतिबाधि प्रतिविरुद्ध प्रतीपग प्रत्यर्थक, प्रत्यर्थिक प्रस्पर्धा भ्रातृव्य मुखालिफ विद्विट् विप्रकारी विरोधकारक विरोधकृत् विरोधी उ:   विरोधी नेताओं को जेलों में डाल दिया गया। वैरोधक व्यत्यस्त व्याघातक शत्रु या विरोधी शत्रुपक्ष साभ्यसूय सासूय स्पर्द्धित, स्पर्धित हरिफ
Other : बैरी उ:   बैरी जिसकी अपनी शिल्पकला गोथिक कम और पांरपरिक ज्यादा है।
Antagonist ki paribhasha : 3571 laghu milano bichhuran ghano ta bich bairin laaj vah jisake saath bhaari virodh ya vemanasy ho saath snvatsaron men se pachisavaaan snvatsar
Antagonist synonyms
foe adversary enemy opposer competitor rival contender bandit match opponent angries bad person crip opposite number oppugnant
Antagonist antonyms
ally assistant helper associate protagonist supporter friend
Usage of Antagonist in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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