Anti meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Anti
As noun : के विरोधी Ex:  Its an anti dowry campaign.?
विरोध (Suffix Ex:  Some believe Andes derives from the Quechua word anti विरोधी या प्रतिरोध
Other : विरोधी उ:   इसने सरकार विरोधी भावना में योगदान दिया है।
Anti ki paribhasha : ek hi prakaar ki kai vastuon men agal agal ek ek vastu saath snvatsaron men se pachisavaaan snvatsar
Anti synonyms
conflicting antithetical incompatible inconsistent reverse opposite converse antipodal adverse against counteractive diametric discrepant incongruous irreconcilable ornery polar repugnant antipodean paradoxical agin negating no go nullifying inimical discordant nonconformist refractory dissident antipathetic balky clashing contumacious froward headstrong insubordinate intractable nonconforming obstinate perverse rebellious recalcitrant restive stubborn unruly wayward wrongheaded recusant contrariant dissentient contrasting obverse antagonistic impeding hindering obstructive enemy adversary rival hostile party contentious belligerent unsympathetic unfriendly inhospitable hateful unfavorable nasty bitter alien catty militant sour cold chill allergic argumentative bellicose competitive dour malevolent malicious malignant pugnacious spiteful surly unkind unpropitious unsociable viperous virulent vitriolic warlike rancorous scrappy disapproving ill-disposed oppugnant unwelcoming pessimistic gloomy weak resisting jaundiced removed colorless cynical detrimental nugatory unenthusiastic uninterested unwilling resistive refusing dissenting invalidating denying disallowing neutralizing rejecting abrogating annulling contravening naysaying impugning disavowing gainsaying privative unaffirmative competitor candidate player challenger aspirant assailant bandit entrant contestant match dark horse disputant litigant bidder counteragent averse confronting crossing defensive disagreeing facing repelling restrictive warring antonymous against the grain at cross-purposes at odds battling combating controverting defending disputed disputing exposing in opposition objecting protesting up against contending adversarial acrimonious embittered hard
Anti antonyms
harmonious consonant similar agreeing reconciled equal same confirming consistent reconcilable vouching friendly kind conforming accommodating alike homogeneous obliging agreeable concordant correspondent corresponding concurring corroborating ally assistant helper supporter hospitable helpful pleasant wonderful welcoming helping nice aiding favorable good hot warm sympathetic gentle confident positive associate colleague assisting compatible in favor of allied spectator fan
Usage of Anti in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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