Antithesis meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Antithesis
As noun : अपष्ठुर Ex:  Rich is the antithesis of poor.
अपाचीन Ex:  his theory is the antithesis of mine प्रतिपक्षता Ex:  "Northerners came to view slavery as the very antithesis of the good society प्रातीपक Ex:  Sextus Empiricus describes skepticism as an "ability to place in antithesis बरकस Ex:  It is the antithesis of judicial restraint. बायेँ Ex:  Supporting the thesis and antithesis बिप्रीति Ex:  The antithesis is a kind of reconciliation which seeks to contrast ideas भावसर्ग Ex:  Who holds the two kinds of antithesis भास तुलना विपरीत उ:   इनके विपरीत अस्पृश्य जातियाँ हैं। विपरीतकारी विपर्यय उ:   विपर्यय से इसी को "ज़ेंद-अवेस्ता" कहा गया। विलोम उ:   अविद्या, विद्या का विलोम शब्द है। विलोमित विसदृश वैपरीत्य उ:   अन्तर न कहकर इसे वैपरीत्य कहना चाहिए। व्यत्यस्त व्यपेत व्यपोढ
Antithesis ki paribhasha : arth aur shabd ki vah yukti jisase kaavy ki shobha ho kisi doosari vastu ke saath atynt bhinnata ek vastu ka doosari ke sthaan par aur doosari ka pahali ke sthaan par hona keshav ke anusaar ek arthaalnkaara, jisamen kaary ki siddhi men svayn saadhak ka baadhak hona dikhaaya jaata hai sngit men oonche svar se niche svar ki or aana
Antithesis synonyms
inverse reverse converse contrary antipode contradictory counter flip side antipole other side inversion contradistinction antagonism contradiction reversal contrariety contraposition opposure
Antithesis antonyms
similarity same agreement
Usage of Antithesis in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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