Any meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Any
As noun : किसी को Ex:  Most of the teenagers preen themselves before going to any function.
As adverb :
अभूरि Ex:  The waiter grumbled for not getting any tip. अभेदाभेद Ex:  he recommended her without any reservations इक्क Ex:  Have you any ammos in your pistol? इततक Ex:  Is your mother any better? इनेगिने Ex:  I am not prepared to marry her at any rate. एक Ex:  Dont misplace any important document. उ:   एक सप्ताह या हफ़्ते में सात दिन होते हैं। काँइ Ex:  Take any one of these cards काहूँ Ex:  I have ransacked his house for imp.papers but couldnt find them any where. किंचिन् Ex:  The meeting went off without any disruption. किंविद Ex:  No one works without any gain. किसी भी स्थिति में Ex:  Im full.I cannot eat any more. किसी भी Ex:  No one is ready to entrust any blunderer with any work. कुछ Ex:  Somehow, It didnt seem important to him any more. उ:   कुछ हद तक हम सब के सब गणितज्ञ हैं। केइक Ex:  I can do any work. केउक Ex:  She should be prepare herself for any contingency. केऊ Ex:  Our 1999 Budget passed without any amendments. केहु Ex:  The teacher does not brook any nonsense. कोई भी Ex:  We completed our work without any problem. कोई Ex:  hey, do you have any butts ? उ:   कोई भी पर्यावरण प्रेमी सामने नहीं आया । कोऊपु Ex:  I don't need any backseat driver on this project . गर्दनाह्वय Ex:  Mary never stays long in any job . चारिक Ex:  Don't pay any attention to Bill . छुच्छ Ex:  I can't get any more gas in the tank . थोड़ा Ex:  In any event, I'll see you this evening . उ:   इसका बहुत थोड़ा अंश ही वे लिख पाए थे। थोरी, थोरौ Ex:  Ken could not be kept on any longer . थोल Ex:  I can't be of any help . नाँको Ex:  On any account, I'll be there on time . प्रत्येक Ex:  7.26% of the population was Hispanic or Latino of any race. उ:   प्रत्येक उप जिले का एक उप जिलाधीश नियुक्त है। बनाई Ex:  17 HMR, or any centerfire cartridge. उ:   इस आधार पर देशों की एक लिस्‍ट भी बनाई गई है। बिरले Ex:  Cosby has never owned any rights to the series at any time. बिल्कुल Ex:  Britain, United States, Austria and Russia did not buy any shares. उ:   कोयले के जलने से धुँआ कम या बिल्कुल नहीं होता। मनाक Ex:  A motto may be in any language. मामूली Ex:  He also wrote that he doubted that any toponym would be found in the texts. उ:   उन्होंने केवल मामूली क्षति पहुंचाई और तांबे के कलश को ले गए। मुख्तसर Ex:  East Berlin was treated as a Bezirk like any other. मुष्टिमेय Ex:  Utah has the youngest population of any state. मेक ‡ Ex:  The Church of Scotland is not represented by any Lords Spiritual यत्किंचित् Ex:  Do you have any weapons? रंच Ex:  More than any other of his films रंचक Ex:  It also lacks any pigmentation in its skin. शशिप्रभ Ex:  Regardless of any such questions शशिप्रिय Ex:  California's Native American population of 376,093 is the most of any state. सफीफ Ex:  29.47% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. सिम Ex:  It was the simplest of any program entered उ:   परन्तु अंतिम सिम का उसने एक सप्ताह से अधिक समय के लिए प्रयोग किया था। सुलिप Ex:  For any software that is under the GPL सोदधित्व Ex:  But after the war, he appointed more non-Italians than any Pope before him. स्तोकक Ex:  Bhutan does not have any railways हृस्व Ex:  Virginia does not have any political subdivisions
Other : अब और Ex:  She can overcame any hope of obstruction. कछु Ex:  Check the document for any misspellings. कछुक Ex:  He never flinched from any work given to him. किञ्चित Ex:  Is any food left over? कुछ या किंचित Ex:  An eurocheque can be drawn from any European bank. कोई चीज Ex:  For any secretarial work contact me. तनिक Ex:  I don't have any feelings about Jeff . उ:   इस कानारी शब्द का संबंध कन्नड़ से तनिक भी नहीं है।
Any ki paribhasha : samooh athava bahuton men se har eka, alag alag jo maatra ya parimaan men adhik na ho ekaaiyon men sabase chhoti aur pahali snkhya aisa ek manushy ya padaarth jo agyaat ho
Any synonyms
all several either each whatever a bit a little each and every in general part of
Usage of Any in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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