Apoplectic meaning in hindi
As noun : अग्निवर्ण Ex:  Then, a few months later, he experienced a debilitating apoplectic stroke.
अरगवानी Ex:  An apoplectic stroke deprived him of his speech उदुष्ट Ex:  The word stroke was used as a synonym for apoplectic seizure as early as 1599 कप्यास Ex:  apoplectic Struck कृमिजा Ex:  Being struck apoplectic पाटलोपल Ex:  Build apoplectic रत्ननिधि Ex:  This man looks, was apoplectic complexion लक्ष्मीपुष्प लघमीपुष्प लाल उ: बालाघाट जिला वर्तमान में लाल गलियारे का हिस्सा है। लालमुनी शोण सुही सेँदुरा स्रणिका
As adjective : रक्ताघाती Ex:  It is an apoplectic रक्ताघाती Ex:  Symptom apoplectic
Apoplectic ki paribhasha : maanika, birabahuti ya lahou aadi ke rng ka
ExamplesApoplectic synonyms
immobile inert steadfast frozen lifeless stagnant paralyzed stationary dead deathly firm fixed inanimate numb palsied petrified quiescent quiet spellbound stable standing static torpid unmoved unmoving unmovable at a standstill at rest becalmed deadlocked halted immotile stalled transfixed Apoplectic antonyms
mobile lively moving unfixed alive active busy Usage of Apoplectic in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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