Apostolic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Apostolic
As noun : धर्मदूतीय Ex:  apostolic letters, letters of popes, most commonly called, for several centuries, rescripts, writs, etc
As adjective :
धार्मिक नेता जैसा Ex:  He also said, in terms of Roman Chancellery of writs and bubbles, and other apostolic letters, which add something to the previous पोप का Ex:  Living apostolic पोप विषयक Ex:  Pius XI, to all the faithful, salvation and apostolic blessing प्रेरितिक Ex:  Preaching apostolic
Apostolic synonyms
pastoral ministerial monastic ecclesiastical canonical holy pontifical sacred churchly rabbinical episcopal monkish parsonical parsonish prelatic priestly theocratical metaphysical divine scriptural doctrinal deistic theistic religious pious orthodox christian papistic
Apostolic antonyms
Usage of Apostolic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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