Appendage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Appendage
As noun : उपांग Ex:  This appendage also plays a key role in many social interactions. उ:   मराठी साहित्य महाराष्ट्र के जीवन का अत्यंत संपन्न तथा सुदृढ़ उपांग है।
उपांग् Ex:  Small bone Anatomy of which is as an appendage of the sacrum, at the end of which it is attached जोडी हुई वस्तु जोड़ी हुई वस्तु या उपांग जोड़ी हुई वस्तु
Appendage ki paribhasha : ek ped jisamen laal rng ke phool lagate hain aur jisake bijon ko paani men pisane par gerua rng nikalata hai vah vastu jisase kisi vastu ke angon ki poorti ho
Appendage synonyms
adjunct supplement projection annex extremity protuberance member addition appendix attachment addendum appurtenance auxiliary ancillary
Appendage antonyms
depression body trunk
Usage of Appendage in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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