Apple of eye meaning in hindi
Apple of eye synonyms
angel beloved honey sweetheart dearest fair-haired boy loved one the pet light of one's life object of one's affections front-runner choice number one idol paramour minion ideal preference main chalk fave teacher's pet dog lover evergreen jewel cat persona grata certainty baby lamb sugar truelove girlfriend flame boyfriend precious dearie dear one honeybunch light of my life one and only heart's desire wealth gold cache riches cash valuable money reserve gem prize abundance fortune richness funds plum paragon nonpareil pearl pile capital catch hoard find store nest egg pride and joy treasure trove champion cream cream of the crop lap dog prime the best the top of the heap crã¨me de la crã¨me Apple of eye antonyms
dislike hate hatred peeve rejection enemy foe poverty debt Usage of Apple of eye in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar.
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