Applied meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Applied
As adjective : अनुप्रयुक्त Ex:  Traffic rules must be applied strictly . उ:   अनुप्रयुक्त भूभौतिकी देखें।
इखलाकी Ex:  We applied mastic on our roofs and window frames. प्रयोगिक Ex:  Radhika has applied for maternity leave. उ:   पर बात अगर प्रयोगिक या प्रेक्टिकल की होतो ये सिद्ध नही किया जा सकता। वैयवहारिक Ex:  Markup was also commonly applied by editors व्यावहारिक Ex:  Such taxes, however, were not, and are not, applied to national products. उ:   यह व्यावहारिक प्रयोगों के लिए उपयुक्त है।
Other : घटित Ex:  She applied lotion on the weather-beaten face. उ:   यह अंटार्कटिक में वसंत ऋतु में घटित होती है। व्यवहृत Ex:  In 1970 Bush applied to the University of Texas School of Law and was rejected. उ:   तभी से यह शब्द इस अर्थ में व्यवहृत हो रहा है।
Applied ki paribhasha : jo vyavahaar ke liye upayukt ya thik ho dhan jo byaaj par diya gaya ho vah jo vyavahaar shaastr ke anusaar aabhayogi ka vichaar karata ho
Applied synonyms
tested enforced practiced devoted related adapted adjusted correlated activated exercised utilized brought to bear
Usage of Applied in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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