Approach meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Approach
As noun : अपवाड़ Ex:  For justicein Englandwe can approach the assizes.
अभिप्रत्ति Ex:  The Behavioural approach describes about the way to get the work done by the people in a company आग्रह Ex:  To begin a business approach a Merchant Bank. उ:   वे उसका आग्रह टाल नहीं पाए। उपमाति Ex:  30-06 Springfield can approach and exceed US$1 per cartridge. उपाप्ति Ex:  Aubrey again took a hands-on approach to MGM's products एवेन्यू Ex:  A fourth approach is syncretism गमि Ex:  An approach broadly known as the anti-psychiatry movement चर्चा करना Ex:  Kircher took a notably modern approach to the study of diseases चर्चा होना Ex:  It was time for Wilson to approach Hauser and explain what was afoot. चलणा Ex:  Some winter days even approach on occasion. चहीला Ex:  Hale-Bopp had its closest approach to Earth on March 22 जापता Ex:  Wild himself would approach the papers with accounts of his derring-do झीर Ex:  The philosophical approach known as pragmatism डिसीप्लिन Ex:  Though the album did not approach the success of Dookie तरीक Ex:  He referred to his own approach as phylogenetic systematics द्रोणगंधिका Ex:  The first spacecraft to approach Mercury was NASA’s Mariner 10 . धराव Ex:  Another geometry-based approach धूर्तमानुषा Ex:  The other approach is rule-based नगिचाना Ex:  Each approach has advantages and drawbacks. नचवाई Ex:  In Euclid's original approach निरूवारना Ex:  The Chomskyan approach towards syntax निर्बेध Ex:  Skinner's approach focused on the circumstances in which language was used पंथड़ा Ex:  Clinton's approach answered conservative criticism during his terms as governor पइस Ex:  The Cartesian approach currently predominates पथत् Ex:  This approach continues to be pursued in the American Southwest पथिन् Ex:  This approach is termed post-processual archaeology. पद्धति Ex:  Aquinas felt the best approach उ:   चौथी पद्धति है बुराई की उपेक्षा। पधति Ex:  In the "bottom-up" approach पहुँच Ex:  The same approach of focusing on "modern world" topics by Terrain उ:   इसकी निकटतम पहुँच २८ फ़रवरी २००७ पर थी। पहोंच ‡ Ex:  Another approach is to say that “art” is basically a sociological category पादपद्धति Ex:  The British eventually adopted a similar approach पेंड Ex:  The dot-matrix approach प्रदिपद् Ex:  In what has been described as "an almost alternative " approach प्रनालिका Ex:  Metallica's new lyrical approach focused on anger, loss, and retribution. प्रपदन Ex:  The approach became commonly used for phobias, as well as other disorders. प्रसताव Ex:  This approach includes Dialectical behavior therapy. प्रस्ताव Ex:  This approach includes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy उ:   गणेश जी ने यह प्रस्ताव स्वीकार कर लिया। प्रोपोजल Ex:  One of the hallmarks of Leet is its unique approach to orthography बाणगोचर Ex:  This approach also encourages more strength-based interventions बाणापात Ex:  Mandela's approach was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi बारयाबी Ex:  The new locks will be supported by new approach channels रसूख Ex:  He was born two weeks after the closest approach to Earth of Halley's Comet . रास्ता Ex:  PV arrays that approach or exceed one megawatt often usesolar trackers. उ:   एक संकरा रास्ता गुफा तक जाता है। रुसख Ex:  Planck revised his approach रेज्योल्यूशन Ex:  For some followers of this 'pluralist' approach रोड Ex:  Planck revised this first approach उ:   यहां से घाट रोड का नजारा दिखाई देता है। वट्ट Ex:  This approach is highly traditional and empirical but it is also useful. वट्टा Ex:  Turkey has adhered to a quasi-statist approach वयुन Ex:  The works of Sir Francis Bacon popularized this approach वर्तनि Ex:  As it neared its closest approach to Earth वर्तम Ex:  The closest approach occurred on 25 March. विनिर्बंध Ex:  While Byzantine church officials took a hard-line approach शासनतंत्र Ex:  Friedman describes an economic approach to anarcho-capitalist legal systems. शासनप्रणाली Ex:  Another method is the "semi-classical equation of motion" approach शिल्पविधान Ex:   Bacon contrasted the new approach सन्निकर्ष Ex:  Centauri A and B have an 11 AU distance at closest approach उ:   अलौकिक सन्निकर्ष तीन हैं- सामान्यलक्षण, ज्ञानलक्षण और योगज। सन्निकर्षण Ex:  The city's boundaries also approach the villages of Verona and Waunakee. समीप आना Ex:  Early theorists' approach to sociology समुपस्था, समुपस्थान Ex:  The PaX approach is thus not well suited to all circumstances सरणि, सरणी Ex:  PaX's more general approach सिरात Ex:  He admits that this approach can have its drawbacks सुलझाना Ex:  Nicomachus summarised the philosophical Pythagorean approach to numbers उ:   वह सेना और शस्त्र द्वारा देश की समस्याओं का सुलझाना चाहता था। सृंका Ex:  The first company to successfully approach him was Chrysler माँगना
As verb : आयाति Ex:  We patterned our approach on Bob's . उपागम Ex:  A similar approach was taken with the second season उ:   इन २८ आगमों के २०४ उपागम है। पास आना Ex:  Under the Zermelo/Frankel approach पहुँचना उ:   बहुत लम्बा एक मार्ग था, मगर उससे विवाह की तिथि तक पहुँचना असम्भव था।
Other : अभिगमन Ex:  He has an unscientific approach to the problems. उ:   दक्कन हेराल्ड - ; अभिगमन तिथि ०५.०७.२०१४। अवाई Ex:  she took a radically different approach आइ Ex:  a cerebral approach to the problem उ:   ;बेगि आइ पिउ ! बाजहु ,गाजहु होइ सदूर। आई Ex:  Can anyone approach an auncanged lion?
No singer could approach Mohan mad Rafis high range quality.
उ:   ... फिल्म वहाँ सिर्फ दस दिनों के लिए आई थी।
आगम Ex:  They have made an approach to the local authorities in this connection. उ:   इस आगम के पाँच अवांतर भेद हैं। आगमन Ex:  Farmers are now adopting package approach to the prolific harvest. उ:   अंग्रेजों के आगमन के बाद इसमें धीरे-धीरे कमी आयी। आमद Ex:  It is his tigerish approach which makes him win all the matches. . उ:   इन तीन क्रियाओं के कारण आस्रव या कर्मों की आमद होती है। आवन Ex:  An early example of this approach was in Mani Ratnam's Bombay . उपगति Ex:  Their stealthy approach march उपगम Ex:  At back of this approach was an old idea उपगमन Ex:  This approach had obvious problems उपमार्ग Ex:  This approach is called phasor calculus. उपागमन करना Ex:  Centauri A and B have an 11 AU distance at closest approach गति Ex:  Another approach is cognitive remediation therapy उ:   अयन गति को भी दिखलाने का प्रबंध रहता है। निकट पहुंचना Ex:  In the Cartesian approach पहुँच या निकटता Ex:  In the "top-down" approach पहुंच Ex:  The United States takes a more laissez-faire approach उ:   तब तक रानी बुढ़ार होती हुईं देवहारगढ़ पहुंच गई। पहुंचना Ex:  Closest approach was on February 28 पास आना या पहुँचाना Ex:  Suddhodana hastened to approach the Buddha पास जाना Ex:  This approach was formulated in 1930 by Paul Dirac. प्रवेशमार्ग Ex:  Others developed the approach रसाई Ex:  For some followers of this 'pluralist' approach समीप गमन Ex:  This methodological approach सिप्पा Ex:  At the approach to the west of the important city of Augusta Taurinorum
Approach ki paribhasha : naatak men kisi paatr ka rngamnch men pravesh .... kh lakhi yon avaayi bir ki ripu bhir men khalabal bhai kisi se yah kahana ki tum amuk padaarth mujhe do vah pustak jisamen kisi prakaar ki pratha ya kaarya- pranaali likhi ho indriyon ka vishayon ke saath snbndh nyaay kisi ulajhi hui vastu ki ulajhan door karana kisi sthaan tak apane ko le jaane ki kriya ya shakti sabha ya samaaj men uthaayi hui baat ek sthaan se chalakara, doosare sthaan men prastut ya praapt hona
Usage of Approach in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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