Approximately meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Approximately
As noun : अनकरीब Ex:  Adjoining paddocks of land amounting to approximately 3 acres.
करीब करीब Ex:  In a career spanning approximately two decades करीबन Ex:  Males made up approximately 49.2% of the population. लगभग Ex:  In approximately 450 BCE उ:   लोहे के अयस्क लगभग सब क्षेत्रों में पाए जाते हैं।
As adverb : तकरीबन रूप से Ex:  Phnom Penh, has a population of approximately two million people. सन्निकटत- Ex:  From approximately the first to 5th centuries AD
Approximately synonyms
almost generally roughly relatively about around ballpark figure circa closely comparatively just about more or less much bordering on close to in the ballpark in the neighborhood of in the region of in the vicinity of loosely not far from not quite proximately upwards of very close
Approximately antonyms
accurately clearly definitely exactly precisely
Usage of Approximately in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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