Aquatic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Aquatic
As noun : अंबुमात्रज Ex:  vagile aquatic animals
जलीय Ex:  These, of course, also affect aquatic food chains and fish populations. उ:   इनका जलीय अपघटन संभव नहीं होता है।
As adjective : अंबुचर Ex:  The indiscriminate use of the oceans for dumping toxic waste, may be harmful not only for aquatic animals but also to human beings. अंबुचारी Ex:  Crocodile is an aquatic animal.
Water-polo, water skiing, etc. are aquatic sports.
आंभसिक Ex:  In the Annelida class Oligochaeta there are many families of aquatic worms उदकेचर Ex:  It also shares aquatic borders with the provinces of Quebec जल का Ex:  Fish are aquatic vertebrates that are typically cold-blooded जलचर Ex:  Although most fish are exclusively aquatic and cold-blooded उ:   ये जलचर जीवों से रहित और जल से परिपूर्ण हैं। जलचारी Ex:  The only aquatic animals able to live in the lake are tiny brine shrimp . जलजंतु Ex:  Marsh and then Hatcher assumed the animal was aquatic जलजन्तु Ex:  The idea of an aquatic existence was later debunked जलजलीय Ex:  A large number of aquatic mammalian species also inhabit the archipelago जलसम्बन्धीय Ex:  The flora and fauna of rivers use the aquatic habitats available तोयचर Ex:  Preservation does not explain why aquatic mammals sleep while moving. पानी का पौधा Ex:  it affects plants and animal life in aquatic ecosystem . पानी के Ex:  Botanical Family of aquatic flowering plants, which is the type Nymphéa पानी में पैदा होने वाला Ex:  grassette also works as a female name in terms of Botany and said of a aquatic plants Type शंकुफणी Ex:  It is also said similar bodies, but more variable in shape, tadpoles and aquatic molluscs are filled
Other : आबी Ex:  Engaeus species are not entirely aquatic उद्धित Ex:  Commercial fishermen harvest almost all aquatic species पनिहा Ex:  It is also home to a variety of jungle creatures and aquatic life .
Aquatic synonyms
floating marine maritime oceanic amphibian sea swimming watery amphibious natatory of the sea
Usage of Aquatic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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