Aqueous meaning in hindi
As adjective : अंबुमात्रज Ex:  ??1.Trapanataus is an aqueous fruit.
जलीय Ex:  ZnCl24 crystallizes from aqueous solutions of zinc chloride. उ: इसका जलीय विलयन तीव्र आम्लिक गुण युक्त होता है। पानी में घुला हुआ Ex:  Thus, for hydrogen chloride, the IUPAC name would be aqueous hydrogen chloride.
Aqueous ki paribhasha : jyotish ke anusaar janmakundli men chautha sthaan
ExamplesAqueous synonyms
flowing running fluent juicy melted molten lymphatic in solution liquefied runny serous uncongealed succulent solvent damp smooth dulcet luscious mellifluous mellow moist moving sappy soft thin viscous pulpy splashing deliquescent dissolvable dissolved fluidic fusible ichorous liquiform mellifluent meltable thawed colorless adulterated anemic bloodless dilute flavorless humid insipid marshy pale sodden soggy tasteless watered-down weak washed doused water-logged waterlike muggy misty rainy stormy snowy soaked slippery foggy dank saturated pouring teeming soused sopping clammy slimy slushy teary drenched soaking drizzling dripping moistened raining dewy showery wringing-wet Aqueous antonyms
stable unchangeable solid inflexible intermittent unavailable dry broken close condensed firm hard frozen concentrated dehydrated clear arid Usage of Aqueous in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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