Arch meaning in hindi
As noun : अकह Ex: The arch has a span of 50 metres.
अगत्ती Ex: they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory अचगरा Ex: Yorkshire's arch rivals औटपाई Ex: A parabolic arch was introduced in the Ponte Santa Trinita कचाकु Ex: The horseshoe arch is based on the semicircular arch कुटिल Ex: The voussoirs are laid on it until the arch is complete and self-supporting. उ: कुटिल लिपि को 'उत्तरलिच्छवी लिपि' भी कहते हैं। क्ष्वेड Ex: For an arch higher than head height खिलाडिन Ex: The arch is significant because घृणास्पद Ex: A dome is a three-dimensional application of the arch चाप जैसा बनाना Ex: A special form of the arch is the triumphal arch चाप Ex: A portion of this arc extends into Maryland to the west उ: उनका रक्त चाप काफी कम हो गया था। चापाकार में उठाना Ex: The smaller arch is located on Zanja strip. चापाकार में फैलना Ex: A bridge, a viaduct, aqueduct with a single arch, d a single arch चिलबिला, चिबिल्ला Ex: A lowered arch छटपट Ex: A triumphal arch made of foliage छिद्रात्मा Ex: An arch tierspoint जिह्मगामी Ex: Architecture Each of vertical posts that support the birth an arch of an arcade; each of the jambs of a door, a window तिरय Ex: didactic concretion that forms the arch of underground cavities by seepage containing dissolved limestone salts, silica, etc तोरण पथ Ex: Each of Architecture stones that form the arch of a vault, an arch धाँधाली Ex: In terms of architecture, it designates the area which is framed by three cornices of the pediment, by the lintel and the arch of a door, by an arc and a straight line, etc धूर्ततापूर्ण Ex: In terms of architecture, it means Ask the stones of an arch नगफँग Ex: It also means the arch under which we try the loaded cars to ensure that they can go under tunnels नटखट Ex: It also said chassis curved arch which is used to prevent the bed blankets hanging over the bodies of the sick बुरी Ex: Sculpting trophies on a triumphal arch उ: वहाँ वह अध्ययन के साथ-साथ बुरी संगत में घूमते रहे। भंगसार्थ Ex: semicircular arch मुर्शिद् Ex: This triumphal arch was not made to dwell मुलहा Ex: , because it is usually fitted as a masonry arch लँगटा लँगर विजिह्म विभुग्न वेल्लित व्याकुंचित व्याजिह्म शरल शातिराना सर्पबंध हु़ड़दंगी
As adjective : अगिवाँण Ex: the use of the arch in monumental architecture अग्रगण्य Ex: Her arch smile left him dreaming. अग्रयायी Ex: It consists of a central light with semicircular arch over अतिशायी Ex: Scotland's arch rival. अनवरार्ध्य Ex: "as only one entire arch of fire from this to the other side of the bridge आर्डिनरी Ex: The arch appeared in Mesopotamia आविद्ध Ex: The semicircular arch can be flattened to make an elliptical arch. खासादार Ex: The interior and lower line or curve of an arch is known as the intrados. घूमघुमौआ Ex: By using the arch configuration, significant spans can be achieved. चीफ Ex: A rock arch उ: इसके पूर्व वे एनवाईएसई में ही चीफ ऑपरेटिंग ऑफिसर के पद पर कार्यरत थी। जडैल Ex: arch basket-handle टीकारो Ex: Bridge bias skews Arch Bridge arch oblique in relation to what they are going through टेढा़ Ex: bridge of a single arch टेढा़मेढा़ Ex: Curvature arch तिरय Ex: didactic concretion that forms the arch of underground cavities by seepage containing dissolved limestone salts, silica, etc देशमुख Ex: In terms of Architecture, An arch, a basket-handle arch to, An arch, a lowered arch, which has no perfect hanger, which affects the elliptical shape of a basket-handle धनुराकार Ex: In terms of architecture, it denotes a protruding arch portion, for passing the square to the plane octagonal, wearing a crown, a turret, etc नी Ex: It also said the painted canvas strips, placed arch of a theater to feature a sky or ceiling and also the Upper part of the Scene परचाधारी Ex: It also said the wooden device used to support an arch stone Construction प्रधान Ex: It is necessary to heat the wood to the arch उ: मंत्रिपरिषद का प्रधान प्रवक्ता भी वही है। प्रभावन Ex: It is used in terms of hunting, talking to a dog whose kidneys are wide and high arch प्रवेक Ex: of both genders who belongs to heaven, took to the space that seems to form an arch above the earth बँकार Ex: Opening arch बंकट Ex: PONTET in terms of Sellier, means the Party of arch form in the saddle बंकुस Ex: Quantity architecture including a lowered arch is मुख Ex: The inner architecture and a concave arch उ: इस मंदिर में गर्भगृह, सभा मंडप मुख मंडप आदि है। मुखर Ex: The ribs of a Gothic arch मुखिया Ex: The ridge of a roof, the angle that it forms with a wall or other arch उ: प्रत्येक झुंड का मुखिया एक वृद्ध नर भीमवानर होता है। मुख्य Ex: The vault of the arch उ: रुआण्डा में तीन मुख्य मानव जातियाँ हैं। मूल Ex: Apparence circular arch that surrounds the earth and the stars that seem attached उ: उनका मूल नाम क्या था, यह पता नहीं है। मूलप्रकृति Ex: Couvrir of an arch top of a building or a room in a building मूलवर्ती मूलिक मौलिक उ: यह हिंदी का प्रथम मौलिक उपन्यास है। मौलिमनि वंक्य वक्र उ: उसे वक्र रेखी निर्देश तंत्र कहते हैं। विभुग्न वेल्लित व्याकुंचित शरल शिखामणि सारगुण सार्थभृत् सिरताज सुप्रीम कोर्ट स्थपति
Other : कमान Ex: An arch requires all of its elements to hold it together उ: इस दरवाजे को दो कमान है। ठठोलिया Ex: Dental arch ढीठ Ex: Dental arch धनुष Ex: An arc is any connected part of a circle. उ: धनुष तथा बाण उसके हाथ से सहज ही छूट गया। महराब Ex: The characteristic of this staircase, this arch is beautiful, bold उ: इसके तीन सलीब-जैसे खंभे जो छत और महराब को सहारा देते हैं। मेहराब उ: इसका मेहराब ताजमहल के मेहराब की प्रति है। वृत्तखण्ड
Arch ki paribhasha : adhyaaya, parichchhed aadi ka aarnbh vah vastu jo kisi bojh ko thaharaaye rakhane ya kisi vastu ko khadi rakhane ke liye lagaayi jaati hai visheshata: vah dvaar jisaka oopari bhaag mndpaakaar tatha maalaon aur pataakaaon aadi se sajaaya gaya ho ganit men aadha vrattakshetr vah grah jisase tis ansh ke andar hi soory ho jo sada kuchh na kuchh upadrav karata rahe vah jisaka rng pila liye saphed ho aur aaankhe laal hon vah jo mukhy ya pradhaan ho dvaar ke oopar ardhamndlaakaar banaaya hua bhaag
ExamplesArch synonyms
head champion expert leading top premier finished primary accomplished chief master consummate major main first foremost highest preeminent greatest sly artful frolicsome mischievous playful roguish saucy waggish wily archway semicircle span dome curvature bow bend vault bridge form extend stretch hump hook shape round hunch camber Arch antonyms
auxiliary lower unimportant worst inexpert last subordinate least minor unfinished incomplete inessential unnecessary insignificant inferior secondary amateur compress condense shorten destroy straighten concentrate neglect Usage of Arch in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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