Archaic meaning in hindi
As adjective : अचात्रु Ex:  `Thee is an archaic form of you.
अप्रचरित Ex:  Thus the archaic Roman "mythology" अप्रचलित Ex:  The archaic cuneiform script was adopted by the Akkadians from ca. आदि काल का Ex:  The province's name comes from the archaic English translation for Braunschweig आद्य Ex:  "twain" is an archaic term for "two". उ: वाल्मीकि रामायण आद्य लौकिक महाकाव्य है। चिरत्न Ex:  Both in archaic Greece and in medieval Scandinavia जरदगव Ex:  The name of the Rhine comes from the archaic German Rhine जर्जारित Ex:  Of the esteemed Nine lyric poets of the archaic and classical periods पुराकालीन Ex:  Examination of the Trojan War in archaic literary and artifact sources. उ: ऋतुपर्ण अयोध्या के एक पुराकालीन राजा थे। पुरातन काल का Ex:  Colorado, like New Mexico, is very rich in archaic Spanish idioms. पुरातन Ex:  These are most often call-and-response type songs, using archaic language. उ: भोपाल पुरातन और नवीन का एक सुन्दर मिश्रण है। पुरातम Ex:  The term "mineral" is archaic पुराना Ex:  It is archaic in both directions and rarely used उ: यह मंदिर लगभग ४०० साल पुराना है। पुराने ज़माने का Ex:  It is old and is hardly used by assigning archaic joke or पूब Ex:  Plague! Plague, it's beautiful! Plague, it's cold! In these last two meanings, it ages and is hardly used by assigning archaic पौराण Ex:  This author affects too archaic प्रतन Ex:  This word is archaic प्रवया प्राचीन उ: सबसे प्राचीन मन्दिर गोवा में दिखाई देते है। प्रीण फरसूदा बटवायक बहुकालीन महल्लक
Other : जरजर Ex:  There are also some archaic letters and Greek-based technical symbols. जर्जर Ex:  The language used by Homer is an archaic version of Ionic Greek
Archaic ki paribhasha : kisi dhaava, gaddhe ya khaali jagah ko kisi vastu se chhek dena jisake khaane se shaaririk ya aatmik bal badhe praachin aakhyaan jo poorv desh men utpann hua ho
ExamplesArchaic synonyms
primitive ancient old-fashioned obsolete antiquated outmoded antique bygone passã© superannuated olden out of date Archaic antonyms
current modern in vogue up-to-date young new present contemporary Usage of Archaic in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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