Arctic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Arctic
As noun : अत्यधिक ठंडा Ex:  Above the arctic circle
उत्तर ध्रुवीय Ex:  The northern regions of Quebec have an arctic climate
As adjective : उत्तरध्रुवीय Ex:  Chinook salmon, brown trout, and arctic grayling were least severely affected. उ:   उत्तरध्रुव प्रदेश जो उत्तरध्रुवीय हो। उत्तरी ध्रुव के आसपास के स्थान सम्बन्धी Ex:  Additional game fish species include arctic grayling उत्तरी ध्रुवी Ex:  Geography Vast arctic country meadow where hardly grow as mosses and lichens live and where reindeer , elk, etc
Other : उत्तरी ध्रुव Ex:  Wild mammals include the arctic fox, mink, mice, rats, rabbits and reindeer.
Arctic synonyms
chilly freezing cool frigid frosty frozen gelid glacial icy nippy polar
Arctic antonyms
friendly responsive hot warm sympathetic tropic
Usage of Arctic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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