Arms meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Arms
As noun : अस्त्र शस्त्र Ex:  He went into the arms of morpheus in the bus.
आयुध Ex:  She folded her arms across her chest while talking. उ:   उसका आयुध वज्र अथवा शरु है। आर्म Ex:  The kidnappers pinioned both the arms of the lady whom they kidnapping. उद्घात Ex:  The child ran to her mama with her arms outstretched. कुलचिन्ह Ex:  he become reconciled to not dying heroically in her arms रणांग Ex:  Production arms such as costumes शस्तर Ex:  Coats of arms in Germany शस्त्र Ex:  He gradually lost the use of his arms उ:   चौथे राजा की चारों भुजाओं में शस्त्र थे। सस्तर Ex:  Many small arms are "single shot" firearms: i. सामग्य Ex:  Cancer cells frequently have aneuploidy of chromosomes and chromosome arms हथियार Ex:  Still, they suffered a shortage of arms उ:   उनके हथियार भी छीन लिए। हस्तास्त्र Ex:  Assault rifles are the standard small arms in most modern armies
Other : आस्तीनें Ex:  they moved their arms and legs and bodies औज़ार Ex:  The soldiers were being trained in firing small arms at the firing range. उ:   पुराने पत्थर के दौर के पत्त्थरों के औज़ार इस इलाक़े से मिले हैं। कुर्सी के हत्थे Ex:  local arms don't have a good firing range. भुजाएँ Ex:  French arms shipments were resumed on June 27 उ:   उसकी भुजाएँ भी वज्रवत् पुष्ट एवं कठोर हैं। शस्त्रास्त्र Ex:  Small arms are firearms which can be carried by a single individual. हत्थे Ex:  It also became the center of the Soviet arms industry and high-tech research. उ:   इसमें एक हत्थे में एक तेज धार वाला धात्विक ब्लेड लगा होता है। हरबा Ex:  Many Serbs in the area took up arms and joined the Chetniks
Arms ki paribhasha : haath men rahanevaale shastr aur phenkakar maare jaanevaale astr hathiyaar haath se pakadkar kaam men laane ki saadhanavastu
Usage of Arms in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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