Aroused meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Aroused
As noun : उत्तेजित Ex:  His appointment as vice-chancellor aroused a lot of controversy. उ:   यह लीवर को उत्तेजित कर पित्त निकालता है।
उत्साहहेतुक Ex:  A girl in red always aroused her. उदीरित Ex:  This relationship aroused many reactions and even Pericles' own son उद्गगूर्ण Ex:  This aroused protests and disillusionment amongst many die-hard fans. प्रतिचोदित Ex:  Animal research, on the other hand, aroused much greater passion. वेजित Ex:  This law aroused many claims संकुपित संचोदित संरंभी संहृष्टी समद्धत सहसंवेग
As verb : कामोत्तेजित Ex:  While work with cadavers had aroused some opposition भड़का हुआ Ex:  The speech aroused their courage स्मरभासित
Aroused synonyms
awaken rouse stir incite instigate inflame kindle spark provoke spur stimulate whip up foment thrill enliven warm move goad agitate alert electrify foster call send whet rally animate challenge turn on work up fire up heat up wake up
Aroused antonyms
calm prevent cease dissuade dishearten ignore lull quiet disenchant discourage halt stop put out bore dull receive
Usage of Aroused in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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