Arrange meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Arrange
As noun : समझौता करना Ex:  Set, arrange an army in battle
As verb :
इंतजाम करना Ex:  Her university will arrange its first convocation next year. उपयुक्त बना करना Ex:  We will arrange for a celebration . उपलब्ध कराना Ex:  I will arrange an appointment for the noon hour . ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex:  Many travel agencies can arrange to have tickets purchased by proxy करीने से रखना Ex:  Muhammad is said to have asked her to arrange for him to marry both. करीने से सजाना Ex:  A First Empire furniture; either to indicate in what manner we arrange the person or thing denoted by that name or pronoun क्रम बद्ध करना Ex:  Action arrange or result of this action, literally and figuratively क्रम से लगाना Ex:  Action to arrange or result of this action क्रमांकित करना Ex:  Arrange some things between them following the reports they have or may have; arrange them properly to an end डिढाना Ex:  Bringing two people, the set a path of reconciliation, arrange a reconciliation to तय करना Ex:  doze, choking, arrange a deal तैयार करना Ex:  Driving a grove, a forest, arrange the निरताना Ex:  Fine -Arts especially of Architecture, Sculpture, Binder Burning Way distribute, arrange the ornaments निर्धार, निर्धारण Ex:  If nothing else, I will arrange the Housing you propose निश्चित करना Ex:  IMPOSE in terms of Printing, means Ranger, arrange the pages to compose a form such that they are in the proper order on the printed sheet folded and प्रगुणन Ex:  In terms of Printing, the letter Sunrise, Take the letters one after the other in cassetins and arrange them in the composter to form words and lines प्रबन्ध करना Ex:  It also said those who do, who arrange a marriage, either by paternal authority or by office of friendship प्रबन्धन Ex:  It also tells of the Order in which an army we arrange to have the fight उ:   यह प्रबन्धन का प्रमुख कार्य है। बन्दोबस्त Ex:  It said, in a more general sense, of any class in which we arrange several objects or persons from a similar उ:   उसने शिक्षा के लिए अभूतपूर्व बन्दोबस्त किए तथा सेना को सुगठित किया। विशेषना Ex:  Marine Distributing, arrange properly and place with strength in the interior of a building various objects that make up its charge, its cargo व्यवस्थित करना Ex:  or arrange, arrange them in a certain order संजमना Ex:  Printing Instrument of which the composer arrange the letters to form always equal lines, according to the determined length
Other : क्रमबद्ध करना Ex:  Align a troop, soldiers, the store, arrange them exactly in line क्रमवार लगाना Ex:  arrange a truce, an interview
Arrange ki paribhasha : vastuon ko vibhinn vargon men baaantana
Arrange synonyms
organize file form sort systematize group dispose align tidy rank police range spruce array regulate class classify clear the decks fix up spruce up methodize line up police up put in good shape put in order put to rights whip into shape tailor determine schedule provide promote manage negotiate construct resolve design decide draft lay out work out establish blueprint adjust concert devise frame contrive direct chart project settle compromise adapt harmonize scheme agree to iron out quarterback come to terms get act together get ready hammer out a deal make a connection make ready map out pull a wire pull things together set stage shape up work out a deal orchestrate instrument score
Arrange antonyms
destroy disarrange disorder disorganize mix up scatter jumble derange disperse displace mismanage confuse disturb not plan hesitate waver ruin neglect upset unfit disagree
Usage of Arrange in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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