Arrest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Arrest
As noun : अवरोध Ex:  cardiac arrest
ईंचना Ex:  The lead led to the arrest of the criminal. उरेहनापु Ex:  the negotiations were in arrest खंचना Ex:  he submitted impassively to his arrest खींचना Ex:  The cops staked the car out and made the arrest . गिरफतार करना Ex:  Blake called the police to arrest Parks. गिरफ्तार करना या पकड़ना Ex:  The 38 year old Emperor Guangxu died under house arrest on November 14 ठठैरी Ex:  The arrest meant that Indira was automatically expelled from Parliament. ताणना Ex:  Her arrest and long-running trial निरूपलेप Ex:  A heart attack is different from but can be the cause of cardiac arrest प्रविकर्षण Ex:  Both Lumumba and Kasavubu then ordered Mobutu to arrest the other. बंदी बनाना Ex:  Following the arrest and death of Robert Byrne भीँचना Ex:  Lenin had to flee to Finland for safety, to avoid arrest by Kerensky. विहनन Ex:  However, the arrest warrants were never effected. स्तिभि Ex:  Laszlo obtains the letters from Rick but when Renault tries to arrest him
As verb : आकर्षित करना Ex:  His arrest touched off a revolt. प्रग्रहण Ex:  Lacking the legal authority to arrest the herders संवर्गण Ex:  Raouf Pasha, sent two companies of infantry with one machine gun to arrest him.
Other : गिरफ्तार करना Ex:  Colorado and arrest Haywood, Moyer, and George Pettibone. गिरफ्तारी Ex:  Warrants were issued for the arrest of the law-breaking vigilantes उ:   गिरफ्तारी के समय उनके पास दस बम थे। गिरफ़्तार करना Ex:  However, while on a mission to arrest Tassadar, the player ends up joining him.
Arrest ki paribhasha : giraphtaar hone ki kriya gati ka avarodh karana
Arrest synonyms
capture incarceration imprisonment detention restraining commitment nail hook nip nab bust accommodation nick crimp sweep heat appropriation fall snare collar captivity pull constraint apprehension pinch drop bag confinement grab pickle booby trap pick up pull in run in jailing glom mitt gaff sequestering preventive custody protective custody delay suspension interruption end halt obstruction stoppage hindrance stay blockage inhibition suppression restraint cessation check prevention stalling checking staying incarcerate seize apprehend detain catch round up secure tag tab sidetrack snag book net brace kick roust put the arm on put the cuffs on take prisoner toss in jail hold hinder scrub retard freeze restrict can knock off shut down grip absorb engage fascinate engross
Arrest antonyms
refusal liberation encouragement release freedom rise activation letting go continuation commencement aid assistance beginning start help promotion advance liberate misunderstand loosen exonerate take up activate let go lose unfasten further permit expedite allow promote push continue eject reject repel
Usage of Arrest in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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