Artful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Artful
As noun : धूर्ततापूर्ण
As adjective : अंटीबाज Ex:  He played an artful trick on her. अंटीबाज Ex:  He played an artful trick on her. अठकपाली Ex:  the artful dodger अठकपाली Ex:  the artful dodger उपाधिक Ex:  A woman artful कापट Ex:  artful Ghost कारुचौर Ex:  artful Lyrics किटकिनाबाज Ex:  Council artful कुशलतापूर्वक Ex:  Driving artful कूटच्छदमा Ex:  Innuendo artful कृहक Ex:  It is used figuratively and signifies Ruse, feint maneuver, artful way in which we use all kinds of business खुरटि Ex:  loophole hijacked and artful way to help out घुटा Ex:  MANÈGE says figuratively in some ways of acting and clever artful चलाँक Ex:  Practical and secret artful which is used to achieve some purpose चालक Ex:  Somehow artful उ:   इनके पिता एक ऑटो रिक्शा चालक हैं। चालाक Ex:  This is the man the most artful world चुडुक्का Ex:  This says more commonly Ways, secret or artful means by which we try to achieve his ends छटैल Ex:  While clever and artful while they are छलछदी छलहाई छित्वर जर्राक धूतारा धूर्त पचकल्यानी ‡ पुरफन प्रपंचबुद्धि प्रमत फरफदी फरहर ‡ बिड़ बैठकबाज बैठकबाज मुतफन्नी मुफ्तरी मुरशिद मुरशिद मुर्शिद् मुस्तैद मौष्टिक लड्ड वंचथ वक्रधी वाणिजिक विवंचिषु विसंवादी शय्याद श्वेतभिक्षु सव्याज सैलूष हूर्छिता
Artful ki paribhasha : shrrangaar ras men naayak ka ek bhed baarah prakaar ke putron men se ek
Artful synonyms
ingenious sly adroit slick shrewd masterly adept clever crafty designing dexterous foxy politic proficient resourceful scheming sharp smart smooth tricky wily
Artful antonyms
stupid clumsy artless ingenuous naive unskillful awkward inept unclever
Usage of Artful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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