Artistically meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Artistically
As adverb : कला से Ex:  it was artistically decorated
कलात्मक ढग से Ex:  Cauty maintained that they "felt that what 'd done was artistically justified". कारीगरी से Ex:  Insinuate themselves artistically
Artistically synonyms
easily delicately neatly smoothly nimbly beautifully handsomely graciously skillfully elegantly adroitly agilely charmingly daintily delightfully dexterously exquisitely felicitously fitly harmoniously pleasingly rhythmically sprucely symmetrically tastefully trimly
Artistically antonyms
awkwardly gracelessly grotesquely insipidly
Usage of Artistically in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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