As a matter of fact meaning in hindi

How to pronounce As a matter of fact
As noun : तत्वतः
वास्तव में सत्यतह हकीकतन
Other : असल में Ex:  I poses this as a certain fact, as a matter of fact
As a matter of fact synonyms
absolutely indeed very literally de facto in fact in point of fact in reality in truth veritably easily certainly well unquestionably surely honestly truly undoubtedly assuredly in effect indubitably of course positively precisely legitimately admittedly authentically beyond doubt categorically for real in actuality no ifs ands or buts nothing else but unmistakably fairly for fair truthfully
As a matter of fact antonyms
doubtfully dubiously questionably indefinite
Usage of As a matter of fact in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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