As good as meaning in hindi
As noun : करीबन Ex:  He was as good as his word .
लगभग Ex:  Premature fruits are usually not taste as good as the other उ: २००१ में यहाँ की जनसंख्या लगभग ८,९०,००० थी।
ExamplesAs good as synonyms
essentially around roughly approximately much relatively about to in effect substantially well-nigh all but bordering on close to close upon for all practical purposes for the greatest part in the neighborhood of in the vicinity of near to not far from not quite on the brink of on the edge of on the point of on the verge of pretty near within sight of commensurate equal proportionate equivalent commensurable a match for equipollent equipotential in a class with on a par closely approaching circa more or less roundly some somewhere close but no cigar give or take a little in essence in substance in the ballpark nearabout upwards of within a little morally basically fundamentally as much as for all intents and purposes identical alike duplicate indistinguishable parallel synonymous uniform very selfsame same as implicitly effectually guesstimate in all but name not absolutely not actually something like As good as antonyms
incomparable unworthy dissimilar unlike different unequal unalike far not close definite exact precise opposite polar reverse Usage of As good as in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi
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