Ascendant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ascendant
As noun : अधिरोही Ex:  Einstein flouted the ascendant Nazi movement
आरोहत् Ex:  ascendant sign उदय लग्न Ex:  have authority, credit, the ascendant उदीयमान Ex:  I am dominated by the strength of my ascendant तनू भाव Ex:  Influence, ascendant पूर्व पुरुष Ex:  It means especially Authority credit, ascendant पूर्वपुरुष Ex:  The ascendant engineering उ:   इनके एक पूर्वपुरुष प्रतापनारायण अत्यंत प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति थे। प्रभावी स्थिति में लग्न उ:   एक लग्न समय लगभग दो घंटे का होता है।
Ascendant ki paribhasha : jyotish men din ka utana ansha, jitane men kisi ek raashi ka uday rahata hai
Ascendant synonyms
predominant superior commanding controlling prevailing supreme ascendent predominating surpassing antecedent forefather parent predecessor progenitor mother forbear foremother foregoer
Ascendant antonyms
inferior humble
Usage of Ascendant in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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