Ashamed meaning in hindi
As adjective : अवाङमुख Ex: She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party.
He should be ashamed of the way he behaved in the party.
Are you ashamed for having lied?
कनौड़, कनौड़ा Ex: are you ashamed for having lied? पशेमान Ex: Are not you ashamed of you being carried away like this? Are they not ashamed to lead such a life? He should be ashamed of having broken faith लज्जित Ex: Do not be ashamed to do well उ: उन्हें लगा की पंडितजी उन्हें लज्जित करने आए हैं। व्रीलस Ex: Having all sense of shame, not be ashamed of anything शरमिन्दा Ex: Having ashamed of lying शर्मिन्दा Ex: If pride, ashamed of his birth उ: मैं अपने माता पिता पर शर्मिन्दा था। सवैलक्ष्य Ex: It has the look ashamed, even ashamed सव्रीड Ex: It is ashamed of his सापत्नप Ex: Lower the nose, be confused, ashamed स्रस्तस्कंध Ex: She is ashamed ह्रित Ex: She is ashamed when talking to him about it ह्रेपित Ex: So do not be so ashamed
He should be ashamed of the way he behaved in the party.
Are you ashamed for having lied?
Other : खिसियाना Ex: He was ashamed of his misgivings. नादिम Ex: But the truth, I'm ashamed to say, is that Fritz began it . शर्मसार Ex: He is ashamed to show शर्मिंदा Ex: I felt their appearance somewhat ashamed
ExamplesAshamed synonyms
bashful hesitant distressed apologetic humble guilty regretful humiliated embarrassed repentant contrite shy distraught sorry reluctant abashed blushing conscience-stricken crestfallen debased disconcerted meek muddled penitent shamed shamefaced sheepish submissive compunctious stammering stuttering humbled chagrined demeaned discomfited flustered mortified Ashamed antonyms
confident glad joyful unrepentant defiant immodest shameless calm happy bold unself-conscious unshy not sorry unregretful unremorseful Usage of Ashamed in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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