Aside meaning in hindi
As noun : अपवारित Ex:  All his proposals were brushed aside by the committee.
अप्रकट टिप्पणी Ex:  My father has kept aside some money for his retirement. अमीत Ex:  The army brushed aside the enemy. अलग Ex:  Don't just brush me aside . उ: ' नेपालभाषा, नेपाली भाषा से अलग है। अलगार Ex:  You must not brush this matter aside . असंश्लिष्ट Ex:  I drew myself aside so the children could pass . आत्मगत Ex:  He drew himself aside so Maggie could pass . उ: यह आत्मगत भावना या विश्वास ही सत्य की कसौटी है। इकौसे Ex:  She f lung the covers aside . उद्धुत Ex:  I kicked the old laptop aside and got a new one . उलिंगण Ex:  He laid aside his papers . एक ओर Ex:  I laid aside some cake for Tom . एक तरफ़ Ex:  Place aside some of the smaller ones for later . एकान्त में Ex:  I pulled aside the child to say something to him . एके ओर Ex:  I can put a little aside . ओलग Ex:  I will set a piece of cake aside for you . छोड़कर Ex:  She waved all the traffic aside . उ: उन्होंने अपने कॉलेज छोड़कर जेल का रास्ता अपनाया। जनांतिक Ex:  His will swept aside the 1543 Act of Succession जनान्तिक Ex:  Setting aside the intervention in Sierra Leone दरकिनार Ex:  The Black Bands brushed aside the Spanish pickets नाटक में पात्र की स्वगत उक्ती Ex:  Questions on 'how' he survived aside निरानी Ex:  When asked to move aside by Shankara's disciples परोक्ष टिप्पणी Ex:  50,000 were brushed aside outside the pocket. प्रविरल Ex:  It may have also pushed nearby parts of the Asian continent aside to the east. प्रविविक्त Ex:  Leaving aside the temporary immigrants of the past ten years फरके Ex:  Set aside the fixed amount of profit for the last year . फरक्क ‡ Ex:  Set aside the fixed amount of profit for the last year . बरतरफ Ex:  apart, aside बिभग Ex:  FAILURE Leave aside also means, not to use, do not account for बोहर Ex:  He sold all his wine aside so many rooms, it has retained for his table मुख्तलिफ Ex:  I left my work aside to come here मुबर्रा Ex:  Instead, says in an aside विपृक् Ex:  It is also transitive, meaning aside a portion of the body to its normal direction व्यपवृक्त Ex:  It means specially Set aside in reserve स्वगत Ex:  It should be said aside to उ: आत्मा ज्ञान आदि स्वगत परिणामों का तो कर्ता है ही।
As adverb : अलग रखना Ex:  he took me aside for a little heart-to-heart इस्तिस्नाय Ex:  The big kids jostled aside all the little ones . प्रबाधन Ex:  Negative perceptions of "red tape" aside रद्द करना Ex:  It is a man of great economy and every year puts something aside
Other : एक किनारे Ex:  We nudged the old man aside and went on ahead . किनारे Ex:  They swept aside the spectators . उ: यह यमुना नदी के किनारे बसा हुआ है। गुप्त रूप से Ex:  Fred tossed the can aside and Alice picked it up . छिप कर Ex:  The officer waved aside the spectators .
Aside ki paribhasha : su arthaat sundar ya vidhisnmat upaayon se praapt do aadamiyon men paraspar vah saanketik baatachit jise aur upasthit log na samajh saken desha, kaal ya snbndh aadi ke vichaar se bahut antar par is prakaar kahana ya volana jisamen aur koi na sun sake
ExamplesAside synonyms
down alone separately out apart abreast afar alongside beside near nearby out of the way privately neck and neck by oneself in isolation in reserve sidewise digression departure tangent parenthesis interposition interpolation throwaway discursion Aside antonyms
middle Usage of Aside in sentences
The word is used as adverb noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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