Asleep meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Asleep
As adjective : अधिशयित Ex:  he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes
अवसुप्त Ex:  They had been asleep suddenly. निद्रा में Ex:  I knew that Bob wasn't asleep . शयनस्थ Ex:  Close the eye, eyelid, Falling asleep शयान Ex:  Fall asleep child सुन्न Ex:  Falling asleep in the delights of Capua उ:   पैर के अंगूठे व अंगुलियां सुन्न हो जाती हैं। सुप्तमांस Ex:  He falls asleep as soon as he ate, it is worth nothing सुप्तविग्रह Ex:  He's asleep audience to chant force सोता हुआ Ex:  It is too asleep on the case सोया हुआ Ex:  It s' usually asleep after the meal स्वप्नगत Ex:  Speaker asleep स्वप्नभाक् Ex:  state of a person asleep स्वप्नसात् Ex:  The star fell asleep
Other : मरा हुआ Ex:  Mao had just fallen asleep and needed the rest सुप्त Ex:  Having air asleep सुषुप्त Ex:  I fell asleep about three o'clock उ:   जन्म के समय बालक में अनेक शक्तियाँ सुषुप्त होती हैं।
Asleep ki paribhasha : chinta ya lajja aadi ke kaaran nistej maaangane se mila hua ann va bhiksha aadi
Asleep synonyms
dormant comatose dreaming inactive inert out cold resting sleeping somnolent conked crashed dozing flaked out getting shut-eye hibernating in dreamland in repose napping on the kip out like a light out of it reposing sacked out slumbering snoozing snoring taking forty winks catching some zzz's
Asleep antonyms
awake attentive conscious
Usage of Asleep in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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