Assassinate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Assassinate
As verb : कतल करना Ex:  Papal agents allied with the Pazzi family in an attempt to assassinate Lorenzo.
छिप कर मारना Ex:  Goldman and Berkman resolved to assassinate Frick निर्गंधन Ex:  He murdered him, he tried to assassinate the corner of a wooden परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन विशस विहनन समालंभ हत्या करना
Assassinate synonyms
kill execute slaughter slay liquidate hit eliminate bump off do in knock off gun down
Assassinate antonyms
create bear give birth keep
Usage of Assassinate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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