Asset meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Asset
As noun : औसाफ Ex:  Element 14, from MSDW for £1.5 million – its net asset value.
खुबी Ex:  It was this image that perhaps helped the Mini become such an asset for BMW खूबी। Ex:  Roosevelt was a powerful campaign asset for the Republican ticket गुण Ex:  It is also home to the world's largest bank by asset उ:   यह वह गुण है जो हमें मनुष्य बनाता है। तत्वता Ex:  An ecological asset like all forests Ex:  Tchaikovsky's asset was also his greatest enemy in terms of form. परिसंपत्ति Ex:  The Pacific's greatest asset is its fish. उ:   नकदी प्रवाह सहित किसी भी परिसंपत्ति में प्रतिभूतिकरण हो सकता है। लियाकत Ex:  Giving provide asset वस्फ Ex:  I cut and I asset, and I play asset संखयता Ex:  Map asset that is सफन Ex:  In terms of game cards, asset Having a dry, dry shackle, alone have the सम्पत्ति उ:   धारा ४०३ सम्पत्ति का बेईमानी से गबन / दुरुपयोग।
Other : आस्ति Ex:  his trophy wife was an asset to his business
Asset ki paribhasha : ek pratyay jo snkhyaavaachak shabdon ke aage lagata hai aur utani hi baar kisi vishesh snkhyaa, maatra ya parimaan ko soochit karata hai
Asset synonyms
credit benefit resource service aid distinction treasure blessing help boon
Asset antonyms
hindrance hurt injury disadvantage liability
Usage of Asset in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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