Assets meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Assets
As noun : आस्तियां Ex:  Their greatest assets were their morale, unit leadership, mobility and numbers. उ:   आस्तियां सजीव, निर्जीव, सांस्कृतिक या आर्थिक के रूप में वर्गीकृत हैं।
परिसंपत्‍ति Ex:  Some assets were assigned to Azerbaijan. परिसम्पत्ति Ex:  After the C&A's assets were acquired by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1871 उ:   परिसम्पत्ति एक आर्थिक संसाधन है, अथवा मूल्य वाली कोई चीज़ है। मालमत्ता Ex:  They represent creditors' claims on the firm's assets .
As verb : सम्पति Ex:  Combining the assets of a verb उ:   धन और सम्पति से दूर रहने का उपदेश देते थे।
Other : अर्थ Ex:  His assets came down to naught. उ:   इसका अर्थ होता है "ढकना" या "अलग करना"। उपज Ex:  The regions will also take over the assets of the "ex-Fivondronampokontany". उ:   खेती की उपज भी जनसमूह के हिसाब से अच्छी थी। परिसंपत्ति Ex:  With Japanese air assets tied up in the battle with TF 18 उ:   यह ताज ग्रूप के पहली परिसंपत्ति और पहला होटेल था। मता Ex:  All the great assets that were in this family have vanished माल मता Ex:  Trust law applies to assets held for investment and financial security माल Ex:  By 1870, total assets had decreased in value to roughly $177 million. उ:   कन्सास शहर की तरह सेंट लुई रेल माल ढुलाई का एक प्रमुख स्थल है।
Assets ki paribhasha : chidiyon ka dina aur usapar ke dhue ya roean
Assets synonyms
goods wealth estate money equity riches credit capital belongings worth resources valuables
Assets antonyms
debt liabilities
Usage of Assets in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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