Assign meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Assign
As verb : आवंटित करना Ex:  He assigned how to do his work .
It is difficult to assign a date to these documents.
डिढाना Ex:  Metronome manufacturers usually do assign BPM values to the traditional terms नियुक्त करना Ex:  DISPOSE means even distribute, assign shared निरताना Ex:  Dispose one thing, transfer, assign someone the ownership of a thing for a certain price निर्धार, निर्धारण Ex:  Giving assign certain income to a hospital, a college, a community, for a foundation that is made निर्धारित करना Ex:  He assign tenants to move her declaration निश्चित करना Ex:  He assign tenants to move her declaration बाँटना Ex:  It also means not being able to resist flexing, assign वटन Ex:  It Fix still means, give, assign वितड़ना ‡ Ex:  It is also used as a noun, in terms of military administration, to refer to the actual number of soldiers of an army, a company, as opposed to the number that the regulations assign him or her supposed विशेषना Ex:  It is used figuratively and it means not to resist, be defeated, assign वैभाजित्र Ex:  It is, by extension, What we can not assign the terminals, the term, etc व्यावर्ग Ex:  It sometimes means simply Identify, assign समनुदेशित करना Ex:  Mark, fix, indicate assign an oven सुपर्दु करना Ex:  Procedure Action Finance and assign सौपना Ex:  Put a piece to the study, assign roles in
Other : ठहराना Ex:  One may assign a value to a person's height नियत करना Ex:  Call, quote, assign conciliation निर्दिष्ट करना Ex:  GET also means Deliver, assign बतलाना Ex:  In terms of procedure, it means that Act is to assign a bailiff, adjourn, grab, etc
Assign ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana kisi chij ke kai bhaag karake alag alag rakhana
Assign synonyms
appoint authorize hire name nominate empower attach charge draft allow accredit commit entrust refer designate slot enroll reference attribute ascribe commission ordain cast tag impute delegate deputize download choice downlink hang on tab pin on hold responsible hand over distribute grant allocate determine allot relegate earmark apportion fix prescribe detail stipulate consign indicate appropriate specify divide dish out hand out mete shell out fork out
Assign antonyms
refuse reject deny disallow ignore disapprove retract fire keep cancel withhold disarrange disorganize hide retain
Usage of Assign in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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