Assistance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Assistance
As noun : आग्रहिका Ex:  respiratory assistance
एड Ex:  The system was built with assistance from Czechoslovakia. उ:   सिस्टम असफलता की स्थिति में रिकवरी उदाहरण में रीडू लॉग एड करते हैं। कुमकु Ex:  1966, with the assistance of the British, Sheikh Zayed became the new ruler. तवस्सल Ex:  In addition, German assistance not only concerned the military पड़पण Ex:  The Kuomintang government in Guangzhou also sought German assistance पृष्ठपोषण Ex:  However with the increasing assistance from international organizations प्रस्कुंद Ex:  With the assistance of producer Nigel Godrich बाउंटी Ex:  American and Canadian assistance मदद Ex:  The 2005–06 budget provides A$2.5 bn for development assistance उ:   अतएव, उसने चीन से मदद माँगी। मद्दत, मद्दति Ex:  Many of thses refugees are being repatriated with the assistance of UNHCR रिलीफ Ex:  He also requested assistance from Australia and New Zealand in 1999 उ:   इसलिये उनके रिलीफ चित्रों में काफी अस्वाभाविकता आ गई है। श्रुष्टि Ex:  Ethiopia with US assistance invaded Somalia सहाइ Ex:  The Locrians appealed to Thebes for assistance सहायता Ex:  Lumumba turned to the Soviet Union for assistance उ:   इसमें शरीर-विज्ञान ही उसकी सहायता करता है। सहाय्य Ex:  Huge infusions of military assistance सहावत Ex:  Bathoen and Sebele for assistance सह्यकर्म Ex:  Peter Geach and Max Black, with the bibliographic assistance of Wittgenstein . साति Ex:  With the assistance of the international community सानाथ्य Ex:  With the assistance of Henry साहायक Ex:  With the USSR's assistance साह्य Ex:  Having guaranteed assistance to Poland
Other : उपग्रह Ex:  Tesla refused the assistance उ:   हर उपग्रह की कीमत करीब १५० करोड़ रुपए के करीब है। कुमक Ex:  With the assistance of firehoses from three escorting destroyers सहाई Ex:  Financial assistance from the US is the primary source of revenue साहाय्य Ex:  Eudes appealed to the Franks for assistance
Assistance ki paribhasha : aadhunik bhaaratiy raajanitik kshetr men sarakaar ke saath milakar kaam karane, usaki kaaunsilon aadi men snmilit hone aur usake pad aadi grahan karane ka siddhaant kisi ke kaaryasnpaadan men shaaririk ya aur kisi prakaar yog dena
Assistance synonyms
service backing support benefit compensation relief cooperation aid comfort collaboration assist reinforcement hand lift furtherance abetment sustenance boost helping hand facilitation
Assistance antonyms
blockage harm hindrance hurt injury obstruction damage loss stoppage opposition handicap
Usage of Assistance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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