Associate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Associate
As noun : उप Ex:  These are associate companies उ:   इस उप विभाग में ११ जिले हैं।
जायंट Ex:  I took in Karen as an associate . जुड़ना[जोड़ना Ex:  Vincent was granted associate statehood status on October 27th परिगृहीता Ex:  While computer aficionados most often associate X with Unix मिलना Ex:  He also worked as associate editor of the Co-operative Commonwealth उ:   उसे साक्षात्कार कला में विशिष्ट प्रशिक्षण भी मिलना चाहिए। मिलवना Ex:  In this context Hemingway's colleague and associate Herbert Matthews मिलाना Ex:  , an associate professor. मेरवना Ex:  Meanwhile an associate of Pizarro's मेराना Ex:  Being tenured meant that he retained the title of associate professor मेलना Ex:  His friend and former Golden Dawn associate मेलापन Ex:  The Agreement acknowledged the right of Poles to associate in free trade unions शिराकती Ex:  Plunge-diving seabirds associate with dolphins and tuna संगत करना Ex:  Botswana is an associate member of International Cricket Council. संघवृत्ति Ex:  Here are two ideas that can not associate संप्रयुक्तक Ex:  PUR, literally and figuratively, joins with various names to better mark the essence, the true nature of things, or to give more strength to the meaning of words which we associate समभिव्याहार Ex:  This is my associate सम्बंद्ध होना Ex:  This word does not associate well with some other सहयुक्त सहयुक्‍त करना सहयोग उ:   सरकार ने इसे सहयोग की ओर पहला कदम समझा। सहयोगी उ:   * सहयोगी अध्ययन के सर्वेक्षण और खेती शामिल हैं। साझेदार उ:   किसी कंपनी में सरकार साझेदार होती है, तो किसी को ऋण देती है। साथ करना सानाथ्य साहायक स‌ंघ बनाना स‌ंबद्ध करना स‌ंयुक्त करना हमजोली
Other : गोहन Ex:  I like to associate with interesting people . मिला हुआ Ex:  Kilmer was associate editor of the Targum मेली Ex:  Plugging was handled by long time associate Scott Piering. शरीक Ex:  The Chinese associate the apricot with education and medicine. उ:   इस मेलें में शरीक होने हजारों भक्त पहुंचते हैं। संगाती Ex:  Another associate wrote: "He is . संगी Ex:  Afterwards, he became an associate of Empress Deng Sui. उ:   अनेक विदेशी संगी अवैध विदेशी के रूप में अमेरिका में रह रहे हैं। संघटित होना Ex:  According to Smith's associate Willard Chase सदस्य होना Ex:  Take an associate सम्बद्ध करना Ex:  We easily adopt the habits of those with whom we associate सम्बद्ध उ:   सड़क द्वारा और रेलवे द्वारा बड़े नगरों से सम्बद्ध है। सम्मिलित करना सम्मिलित होना सहचर साथी उ:   इसके लिए साथी काफ़ी दुआ देते हैं।
Associate ki paribhasha : vah jisaka kisi kaam ya chij men saajha ho ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana vah jo sab baaton men apana saathi sahaayaka, samarthak aur shubhachintak ho vah jo kisi baat men saath rahata ho ek upasarg jisaka prayog shabdon ke aarnbh men, kuchh vishisht arth utpann karane ke liye hota hai do bhinn bhinn padaarthon ka ek hona do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana vah jo kisi ke saath milakar koi kaam karata ho aadhunik bhaaratiy raajanitik kshetr men sarakaar ke saath milakar kaam karane, usaki kaaunsilon aadi men snmilit hone aur usake pad aadi grahan karane ka siddhaant
Associate synonyms
crony cohort comrade buddy assistant accomplice fellow collaborator partner companion ally compatriot sidekick auxiliary helper consort chum accessory offshoot mate affiliate branch confederate peer aid pal co-worker cooperator playmate joiner clubber kissing cousin one of the folks pard correlate combine mix identify link group concord couple conjoin unite bracket pair yoke blend lump together think of together accompany mingle amalgamate hobnob fraternize pool get together hang around tie up be friends be in cahoots buddy up bunch up come together gang up get in on get in with get into go along with go partners hang out hang out with join up with line up with pal up play footsie with run around with run with string along with swing with take up with team up throw in together tie in truck with work with
Associate antonyms
enemy foe opponent antagonist competitor rival stranger disconnect dissociate detach disperse disjoin disunite avoid disassociate divorce divide separate part sever leave withdraw disagree
Usage of Associate in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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