Association meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Association
As noun : अजीजदारी Ex:  an illicit association with his secretary
अनभिषंग Ex:  the association should get rid of its elderly members--not by euthanasia, of course, but by Coventry असंजोग Ex:  The organisations have a long association असोसिएशन Ex:  Its association with St. उ:   पश्चिमी कांफ़्रेंस नेशनल बास्केटबॉल असोसिएशन की एक कांफ्रेस है। आसग Ex:  Some yeasts are found in association with soil and insects. आसदन Ex:  Similar to association football इंस्टिट्यूट Ex:  The most popular sport in Oman is association football. इखलास Ex:  The One Laptop per Child association is an ICT4D non-profit organization इजाफत Ex:  This is usually done in association with educational signs and lecture. इनस्टिट्यूशन Ex:  Media and Sport in association with English Heritage. इलहाक Ex:  If such an employees association is competing against another union उपसत्ति Ex:  The two main spectator sports are association football and ice hockey. उल्ली Ex:  The association with track length and duration also varies कमिटी Ex:  His distinguishing characteristic in the Vedas is his association with Light कराबत Ex:  The president of the association was Giovanni Legrenzi कराबतदारी Ex:  In the reservoir it is usually found in association with natural gas खानापीना Ex:  Deinonychus has also been found in association with a large herbivore छुवाव Ex:  His epithet Mahāyogin refers to his association with yoga. जुडा होना Ex:  Due in part to its association with bohemian culture ताल्लुकात Ex:  The association of the Red Sea with the Biblical account of the Exodus प्रत्यासंग Ex:  There is an association of an increased incidence of MI in the morning hours. भ्रातृभाव Ex:  French Polynesia is not in a free association with France मितपन Ex:  Seabirds have had a long association with both fisheries and sailors मितराई Ex:  East Timor in association with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces. मित्रता Ex:  Constantine also promoted an association of himself with Sol Invictus उ:   शिक्षा काल में द्रुपद और द्रोण की गहरी मित्रता थी। मित्रभाव Ex:  The country is a sovereign state in free association with the United States. मित्रविषय Ex:  The university is also home to Europe's largest student association मुआफिकत Ex:  This association gave rise to the English words "electric" and "electricity" मैत्र Ex:  The Kingdom was noted for its close association with the West मैत्रक Ex:  Faversham confronted Ali about his association with Malcolm X . मैत्री Ex:  Johannesburg’s most popular sports by participation are association football उ:   मैत्री एक्सप्रेस भारत और बांग्लादेश के बीच चलने वाली रेलगाडी है। मैत्र्य Ex:  One such mutualistic association लगालगी Ex:  Early smoking evolved in association with religious ceremonies वावस्तगी Ex:  Some information is important because of association with other information विफाक Ex:  Homeostasis is a term that is also used in association with ecosystems संगम (विधि Ex:  This association is of great significance for the farmers . संघ Ex:  Also said Practices of this association उ:   इस संघ में कोलिय गणराज्य भी सम्मिलित था। संघवृत्ति Ex:  Bringing an association in a group संबंध Ex:  Diocletian Maximian association to Empire उ:   पर कभी कभी यह संबंध विपरीत भी हो जाता है। संसंग Ex:  It is, by extension, any association or organization which aims to spread some public or social opinions संस्था Ex:  It was received in this association despite opposition from some members उ:   इस दृष्टि से यह संस्था भारतीय भाषाओं की आवाज है। सगोष्ठी Ex:  Leading the motion, giving the first example of something be the leader of an association of interest or pleasure सद Ex:  The association of ideas सनमंध Ex:  Their association is broken, is dissolved, is over सन्निबध Ex:  This association can not be done without him, it must be interested समभिव्याहार समासंग समिति उ:   समिति में ज्यादातर बीजिंग समर्थक सदस्य होते हैं। समीति, समीती सस्था सहयोग उ:   सहयोग किसी भी क्षेत्र में आप दे सकते हैं। सांहत्य सानाथ्य साहचर्य उ:   भाग भी साहचर्य नहीं है। साहायक सौबत स‌ंगम
Other : आसंग Ex:  Polański urged Tate to end her association with Martin Ransohoff गोष्ठी Ex:  Why this association exists उ:   कथा यू॰के॰ की कथा गोष्ठी में कहानी पाठ भी कर चुके हैं। परिषद Ex:  The most popular sport is cricket followed by association football . उ:   शहर के सरकार मैं एक महापौर और एक नगर परिषद हैं। मण्डली Ex:  After her initial association with the Imagists मेल Ex:  Tunisia's association agreement with the European Union उ:   इससे भाषात्मक, जैनेटिक तथा सांस्कृतिक मेल संभव है। रब्त Ex:  Because of their general association with living things रसाई Ex:  The Milky Way galaxy is a member of an association named the Local Group संग Ex:  The oldest sport association in Iceland is the Reykjavik Shooting Association उ:   फल - खोटे मनुष्यों का संग छोड़ दो। संगति Ex:  This is the � result of our association with Sanskrit . संसर्ग Ex:  It still means one that was received in a military association or other authority established by a sovereign or a state उ:   मोउलातो, क्रियोल अफ़्रीकी और यूरोपीय संसर्ग से बने। सभा Ex:  Train yourself in association उ:   उस सभा में ब्रह्मवादिनी गार्गी भी बुलायी गयी थी। सम्मेलन उ:   जनसभाएँ तथा सम्मेलन आयोजित किए। सहयोजन साथ उ:   साथ ही नवी मुंबई एवं ठाणे के भी भाग तक जातीं हैं। सुहबत सोहबत
Association ki paribhasha : manushyon ka kisi nimitt ekatr hua samaaj veshyaaon ya bhaaandon aadi ke saath rahakar saarngi, tabalaa, manjira aadi bajaane ka kaam ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan vah sthaan jahaaan bahut se log milakar baithe hon vaata, pittaadi men se do ka ek saath prakop aadhunik bhaaratiy raajanitik kshetr men sarakaar ke saath milakar kaam karane, usaki kaaunsilon aadi men snmilit hone aur usake pad aadi grahan karane ka siddhaant guptacharon ya bhediyon ka varg praachin bhaarat ka ek prakaar ka prajaatntr raajy jisamen shaasanaadhikaar praja dvaara chune hue pratinidhiyon ke haath men hota tha praachin vaidik kaal ki ek prakaar ki snstha jisamen raajanitik vishayon par vichaar hua karata tha
Association synonyms
club league guild federation tribe union corporation company partnership society cooperative organization alliance family tie-in clique affiliation gang mob ring zoo bunch crew fellowship sodality sorority circle confederacy tie-up congress combination outfit band syndicate troupe pool clan hookup coalition crowd fraternity order confederation troops combo rat pack cooperation acquaintance companionship relationship comradeship assistance camaraderie familiarity agreement membership participation intimacy conjunction friendliness acquaintanceship fraternization frequenting impression concordance mixture connotation juxtaposition recollection identification linkage correlation remembrance bond linking pairing concomitance mixing joining lumping together train of thought
Association antonyms
disunion separation aloneness antagonism isolation rivalry seclusion solitude opposition disassociation division ignorance strangeness unfamiliarity aloofness incompatibility disagreement
Usage of Association in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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