Astonishment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Astonishment
As noun : अचरज Ex:  Vasilevsky recalls Stalin's astonishment when उ:   खौलते पानी के चश्मे मणिकर्ण का सबसे अचरज भरा और विशिष्ट आकर्षण हैं।
अचरिज Ex:  Absolutely, I do not believe, I do not believe my astonishment अचर्ज Ex:  astonishment of heart that keeps rage and frenzy अचिरज Ex:  astonishment that produces stupor अच्चड Ex:  Be struck with astonishment, amazement, astonishment अतरज Ex:  Cause, to the astonishment of अनेभो Ex:  Consider astonishment mingled with pleasure what seems beautiful, which seems wonderful अहचरज Ex:  Fill astonishment आश्चर्य Ex:  Fill, hitting an admiration mingled astonishment उ:   आश्चर्य की बात यह है कि अमरनाथ गुफा एक नहीं है। उत्त Ex:  I can not get over my astonishment कोडी Ex:  I was seized with astonishment चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  Imagine their astonishment and despair तजुब Ex:  interjection which one accompanies a question or phrase that expresses astonishment विसमै Ex:  Leave astonishment brands विस्मयन Ex:  Speechless, Mouth Open and expresses astonishment वैचिञ्य Ex:  This will bring the astonishment of future ages शिगिफ्त Ex:  To the astonishment all the world
Other : ताज्जुब Ex:  It has taken us from astonishment to astonishment विस्मय Ex:  Open eyes wide, as a sign of attention or astonishment उ:   कला एवं काव्य के आकर्षण में विस्मय की भावना सर्वाधिक महत्त्व रखती है। हैरत Ex:  What does this mean? What is this? is sometimes used to mark a Single astonishment उ:   इसके बावजूद वह साइट पर पैदल ही गए और लोगों को हैरत में डाल दिया।
Astonishment ki paribhasha : jisaka garv nasht ya choorn ho gaya ho vah manovikaar jo kisi nai, abhootapoorva, asaadharana, bahut badi athava samajh men na aanevaali baat ke dekhane, sunane ya dhyaan men na aane se utpann hoti hai
Astonishment synonyms
bewilderment consternation confusion amazement awe wonderment stunner shock stupefaction astoundment dumbfoundment one for the books something else
Astonishment antonyms
calm composure calmness coolness expectation dullness unexcitement
Usage of Astonishment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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