Astray meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Astray
As adjective : गुमराह Ex:  Mary's book went astray or maybe it was stolen . उ:   ‎इसके होते इच्छाऐं गुमराह नहीं करती हैं।
पथ से अलग Ex:  Beware of this false friend, it could lead you astray भूला―भटका Ex:  Our guide us astray
Other : आवारा Ex:  His drinking led him astray in his life. उद्भ्रांत Ex:  Stick to the path and try not to go astray . पथभ्रष्ट Ex:  It is left astray in this business
Astray synonyms
afield awry adrift amiss gone lost roaming straying vanished wandering wrong off course off the mark
Astray antonyms
right straight on course
Usage of Astray in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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