Astride meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Astride
As adjective : घोडे की सवारी की भांति Ex:  Due to its strategic location astride two continents
टांगें फैला कर Ex:  be astride a stick
As adverb : आर पार Ex:  New Caledonia lies astride the Tropic of Capricorn टाँगें फैला कर Ex:  Viewpoints on the American shore generally are astride or behind the falls. पाँव फैलाकर Ex:  Go astride पारावार Ex:  In terms of war, be astride a river, a river, said an Army that troops on one and on the other bank of a river, etc
Other : दोनो तरफ Ex:  Getting astride
Astride synonyms
athwart astraddle on the back of piggyback sitting on straddling
Usage of Astride in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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