Asunder meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Asunder
As noun : आजर्जरित
करच टुकड़े टुकड़े सदचाक सैँवार
As adverb : पृ्थक
Other : अलग अलग अलग उ:   हर जगहों के लडडुओं की अलग अलग विशेषतायें होती है। भिन्न भिन्न
Asunder ki paribhasha : desha, kaal ya snbndh aadi ke vichaar se bahut antar par
Asunder synonyms
disconnected divided loose separated split torn disjoined in half to shreds
Asunder antonyms
Usage of Asunder in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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