At ease meaning in hindi

How to pronounce At ease
As noun : निश्चिन्त Ex:  Be at ease, although at ease उ:   आप निश्चिन्त होकर साइट पर विचरण कर सकते हो।
Other :
आराम से Ex:  Please do something to put me at ease . क्षेम Ex:  He was at ease speaking with a wide variety of people छेम Ex:  be accommodated some of the goods of fortune, Not being rich, not being at ease विश्रांत Ex:  I will do this at ease
At ease synonyms
cheerful breezy happy-go-lucky jovial cheery jaunty airy blithe buoyant calm careless cool insouciant radiant sunny easy-going feelgood laid back unanxious unbothered self-assured levelheaded serene easygoing relaxed confident unruffled unflappable possessed sedate clearheaded commonsensical dispassionate imperturbable nonchalant placid self-possessed sensible serious staid temperate together untroubled poised calmed soothed quieted repressed suppressed cool as cucumber disimpassioned keeping a stiff upper lip not turn a hair sure of oneself have one's act together keeping one's shirt on fulfilled willing contented satisfied comfortable gratified complacent smug tickled pink appeased fat dumb and happy pleased as punch can't complain slow successful peaceful smooth pleasant effortless soft comfy commodious cozy cushy flowing fluent forthright gentle languid light mild moderate prosperous running snug spontaneous substantial thriving undisturbed unhurried well-to-do easeful cursive in clover undemanding unexacting unworried natural affable amiable casual complaisant diplomatic familiar friendly good-natured graceful gracious gregarious informal obliging open polite sociable suave tolerant unaffected unpretentious urbane good-tempered unforced central family household local national native homely homey inland internal at rest down home in the bosom in one's element eager enthusiastic sanguine rosy upbeat trusting high faithful elated expecting hoping lighthearted unflagging anticipative rose-colored anticipating emboldened forward-looking inspirited keeping the faith looking forward to reassured trustful solid reliable stable strong sound established steady firm determined cinch balanced settled absolute conclusive in the bag resolute self-confident steadfast sure thing tried and true well-founded shoo-in locked on nailed down on ice undoubtful pastoral balmy tame sober restful amicable agreeable collected comforting even even-tempered halcyon lenient measured pacific patient pleasing reasonable sedative soothing still unperturbed whispering hushed paradisiacal at peace murmuring unexcitable unexcited reclining sleeping dreaming asleep unwinding lounging relaxing snoozing reposing napping drowsing crashed recessing dozing lying down stretched out taking a break taking it easy
At ease antonyms
dissatisfied heavyhearted worried depressed sad unhappy troubled anxious nervous upset agitated excited angered annoyed distressed aroused perturbed unsatisfied discontented needy wanting disagreeable disturbed intelligent clamorous noisy unfriendly complicated arduous demanding intricate uneasy exhausting trying intolerant smart rough loud hard complex difficult involved laborious oppressive unrelaxed impossible strict unpermissive unleisurely onery outside foreign business commercial apathetic disinterested pessimistic pale hopeless despairing despondent discouraged inauspicious pointless wretched unenthusiastic down fearful gloomy low desperate unpromising uncertain unsure wobbly unreliable untrustworthy infirm feeble unsound unstable irresolute endangered unprotected unsafe indefinite undecided soft delicate weak imbalanced flexible wavering insecure loose moving unfastened unfixed unsecure immoderate stormy drunk inebriated fierce excitable chaotic violent wild harsh turbulent unpeaceful active
Usage of At ease in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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