At meaning in hindi

How to pronounce At
As noun : किहाँ Ex:  We laughed at the clowns antics.
की अवस्था में Ex:  Who officiated at your wedding? के यहाँ Ex:  He looked at her meaningfully. तँ Ex:  He twinkled at her. तईँ Ex:  She looked at me in amazement. तैँ Ex:  The terrorists planted explosives at the railway station. त्या Ex:  The passengers disembarked at Southampton दै Ex:  Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius पक्षपुट Ex:  The soldiers are at their posts. पक्षमूल Ex:  he ducked at the screechings of shells पर Ex:  The accounted computed the losses at 30 lakhs. उ:   उनकी सभी पुस्तके अमेज़न पर विक्रय हो रही है। Ex:  He was shocked at the misquotation. माहीँ Ex:  They camped at the foothills of the Himalayas. मुल Ex:  Reveille is at 5Oclock in the morning. उ:   इस विद्या में मुल मार्ग, समय मार्ग का समन्वय देख पड़ता है। से Ex:  the Prime Minister lives at No. 10 Downing Street उ:   आज से नहीं बल्कि पिछले साठ वर्षों से है । सेँति, सेँती Ex:  The soldiers were at drill. हुंता Ex:  He glanced at me. हुते Ex:  Thief was caught at street. में उ:   हिन्दी में यह शब्द प्रयुक्त होने लगा है।
Other : कहाँ पर Ex:  Pakistans firing at Kargil took the Indian Army unawares. की ओर Ex:  Charity begins at home. तरफ Ex:  they met at Elm Plaza उ:   यह क्षील चारों तरफ से वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ है। बर Ex:  The passengers disembarked at Southampton.
At ki paribhasha : kaamadev ki patni ka naam chidiyon ka dina aur usapar ke dhue ya roean
At synonyms
by through toward appearing in found in in the vicinity of near to placed at situated at
Usage of At in sentences

The word is used as preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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