Atrocious meaning in hindi
As noun : पाशविक
As adjective :
अघोर Ex:  Character atrocious अदर्शनोय Ex:  In atrocious manner असौष्ठव Ex:  It also tells of Things and signifies Who is treacherous black atrocious कुंढंगा Ex:  It says absolutely shameful actions, atrocious कुढ़ंग Ex:  Perfidie atrocious गोबरगणेश Ex:  This action has the character of an atrocious perfidy; it has all the characters घटिया Ex:  Woe to him which falls into the hands of these barbarians: they will perish in atrocious tortures उ: घटिया का अर्थ यहाँ आवागमन स्थल है। घोरदर्शन घोराकार, घोराकृत्ति चिह्नकारी च्योना डँकना थुँदला दूध्र धमधूसर निष्कांत नृशंस पाश्विक फाड़खाऊ ‡ बेढब बेढ़ंगा बेवजा बैहर ‡ भंक भद्दा भयकर भयदर्शी भयानक उ: यह वैचारिक युद्ध होने के कारण वास्तविक युद्ध से भी अधिक भयानक था। भरुंड भीमयु भीमल भीषणक भैभान भैयान मेआवन विभीषणा विरुप विशंकट शरटु सम् द्दंड
Atrocious ki paribhasha : jo bahut dusht ya ugr ho sahachari sarann maynk badan kau madanamohini at hai pashuon ke jaisa kroor ya nirdayataapoorn saahity men nau rason ke antargat chhatha ras logon ko kasht ya pid pahuanchaanevaala jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho
ExamplesAtrocious synonyms
scandalous rotten heinous lousy barbaric awful shocking bad beastly desperate diabolical fiendish flagrant gross hairy monstrous nefarious villainous wicked godawful grody dreadful horrid terrible appalling horrible detestable disgusting execrable foul icky loathsome noisome obscene repulsive sickening horrifying Atrocious antonyms
magnificent wonderful inoffensive good pleasant pleasing nice Usage of Atrocious in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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