Atrophied meaning in hindi
As noun : करषेव
काहीदा किरिसना किरिसित कृश उ: जीर्ण सतत मलेरिया में देहशोथ कमजोर, कृश रोगियों में दिखाई देता है। कृस छछीन छपटी छिलर नालुक निरुदर प्रशिथिल विदस्त
ExamplesAtrophied synonyms
bony gaunt skinny scrawny anorexic peaked attenuate lean famished starved cadaverous consumptive haggard meager underfed wizened lank pinched attenuated like a bag of bones skeletonlike skin-and-bones thin as rail withered undernourished shrivelled drawn shrunken skin and bones fade pollute dwindle disintegrate lessen corrode discolor degenerate mortify atrophy rot dissolve decompose decline putrefy mildew collapse sicken curdle slump defile turn perish molder sink spoil blight fail sap suppurate depreciate weaken break up get worse dry-rot be impaired become contaminated go bad go to seed go to the dogs hit rock bottom hit the skids pejorate putresce reach depths waste away wear away dim abate ebb subside decrease slacken peter out shrink drop relent fall moderate let up die out taper off die down die away draw to a close ease off fade away fall short slack off wind down blow exhaust drain consume lavish deplete dissipate misuse divert undermine squander debilitate crumble enfeeble disappear gnaw droop misapply empty splurge disable wilt run through throw away wear out fritter away be of no avail burn up eat away frivol away gamble away go to waste misemploy pour down the drain run dry trifle away deflate languish deteriorate contract fold desiccate constrict blast become stale dry up Atrophied antonyms
overweight plump chubby fat heavy thick full overnourished enlarge grow improve increase combine unite put together ascend prosper germinate expand brighten color strengthen raise develop extend build rise help make well flourish ripen enhance go up reach win accumulate hoard aid assist bloom create preserve succeed save fill collect gather starve maintain loosen free Usage of Atrophied in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi
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