Attentive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Attentive
As noun : अप्रमत्त Ex:  ' Very early poets like Kālidāsa were attentive to rasa
प्रणिहित Ex:  Following someone in a speech in reasoning, be attentive to his speech, his reasoning, so as not to lose anything in यत्त Ex:  Following someone in a speech in reasoning, be attentive to his speech, his reasoning, so not losing anything संयत्त Ex:  It also means minutiae attentive application to सतर्क Ex:  It is very attentive to the ladies उ:   अरब राष्ट्र भी इस स्थिति के प्रति सतर्क थे। सहस्त्राक्ष Ex:  It's careful monitoring, attentive सावचेत ‡ Ex:  substantively, it is the attentive to this woman
As adjective : अवधानी Ex:  Calvin is attentive to the craft of making a good snowball सर्तक Ex:  It seems very attentive to of it उ:   इसका कोई सर्तक वजह नहीं है।
Other : अवहित Ex:  attentive observer एकचित्त Ex:  be attentive to his work षट Ex:  He is a man very attentive to his duty सचेत Ex:  It figuratively told in everyday language means to be attentive and risking उ:   वह तो एक कठोर यातना से पहले तुम्हें सचेत करनेवाला ही है। सावधान Ex:  The listeners were very attentive उ:   वर्ष २०१७ में आयी फिल्म शुभ मंगल सावधान उनकी पहली एकल एल्बम है।
Attentive ki paribhasha : jisasamen uttam shiksha ka snskaar aur shishtata ho jo achchhi tarah dharm ka aacharan karata ho
Attentive synonyms
watchful observant aware interested conscientious vigilant heedful alert awake fascinated hooked immersed intent listening mindful on the ball preoccupied regardful studious all ears enrapt enthralled glued hanging on every word on the job on the lookout on the qui vive on one's toes devoted respectful accommodating polite thoughtful solicitous courteous gracious civil gallant kind obliging
Attentive antonyms
inattentive negligent unaware heedless ignorant inconsiderate neglectful neglecting careless disregarding unattentive discourteous unmannerly impolite uncivil mean rude unrefined
Usage of Attentive in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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