Attract meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Attract
As noun : आकर्षित करना Ex:  He played footsie with her to attract her attention.
संवर्गण Ex:  The many exotic, Spanish-speaking locales attract many people to the language.
As verb : आकृष्ट करना Ex:  the clubs attract revelers as young as thirteen मन हरना Ex:  University sports teams attract large followings in national competition.
Attract synonyms
engage entice captivate fascinate send bring kill interest intrigue invite bait slay lure inveigle hook beguile allure beckon court enthrall seduce wow endear score solicit entrance vamp induce drag charm tempt spellbind pull bewitch grab enchant magnetize steer come on freak out knock out turn on wile appeal to exert influence give the come-on go over big knock dead make a hit with mousetrap rope in suck in sweep off one's feet
Attract antonyms
reject refuse shun disgust dissuade release deter prevent repel repulse turn off give up bore disenchant disinterest let go discourage
Usage of Attract in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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