Attribute meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Attribute
As noun : उपारोपण करना Ex:  The police attribute these deaths to Sunni and Shi’ite death squads.
औसाफ Ex:  Other examples of its use with some attribute or epithet are: El `Elyon कारण बतलाना Ex:  Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism खुबी Ex:  " "used to be known for embodying the attribute of comprehensiveness खुसुसियत Ex:  Some entities may have more than one Key attribute . गुण विशेषण Ex:  In projection, people attribute their own traits to others . लक्ष्ण Ex:  In terms of grammar, Direct construction, direct order, said a construction which places the subject, verb, attribute or complement in the order of grammatical relation उ:   ये आने वाले विद्रोह के लक्ष्ण थे। विशेषता Ex:  It is also said that the power of such groups attribute is उ:   खासियों की विशेषता उनका मातृमूलक परिवार है। वैशिष्टय Ex:  It is also used as an attribute after the verb श्रेय Ex:  It is used as a subject, as an attribute and as a complement with or without preposition उ:   इसका निर्देशन श्रेय गुलेरी ने किया है। सम्बन्ध लगा देना Ex:  It is used as an attribute सहजगुण Ex:  It is, by extension, Symbol , figured attribute or figurative स्वलक्षण Ex:  It should not attribute this accident that
Other : आरोपण करना Ex:  We attribute our success to your good advice . आरोपित करना Ex:  Each of the 19 months is given a name which is an attribute of God उत्तरदायी ठहराना Ex:  Rudra is called "The Archer" and the arrow is an essential attribute of Rudra. उपाधि Ex:  Mass is also the prime attribute by which planets are distinguished from stars. उ:   उन्हें मानद डी.लिट उपाधि भी प्राप्त है। गुण Ex:  attribute उ:   यही गुण रेडियो प्रौद्योगिकी का मूल आधार है। ठहराना Ex:  Baguette topped with two wings and surrounded by two intertwined snakes that mythology gives to attribute to Mercury धर्म Ex:  I attribute this the little care that you had उ:   गुंटूर बौद्ध धर्म का प्रमुख केंद्र रहा है। विशेषण Ex:  In terms of logic, major term of a syllogism, the attribute of the conclusion, which is more than the extension about उ:   शायद ही उनका नाम कभी बिना विशेषण के लिया गया हो। श्रेय देना Ex:  It is used as a subject, as an attribute and as a complement with or without preposition
Attribute ki paribhasha : vah jo kisi prakaar ki visheshata utpann karata ya batalaaya ho kisi pady ya gady ke aadi ya ant ke kuchh shabd likhakar ya padhakar us poore vaaky ka pata batalaana varta्tamaan avasarpini ke gyaarahaven arhat kisi padaarth ki vah visheshata jisake dvaara vah pahachaana jaay ek pratyay jo snkhyaavaachak shabdon ke aage lagata hai aur utani hi baar kisi vishesh snkhyaa, maatra ya parimaan ko soochit karata hai
Attribute synonyms
peculiarity idiosyncrasy quirk trait facet virtue aspect characteristic quality point symbol mark note indication property particularity speciality trace associate blame credit connect apply refer charge impute lay reference accredit account for hang on pin on fix upon hold responsible
Attribute antonyms
Usage of Attribute in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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