Audacious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Audacious
As adjective :
अकुतोभय Ex:  An audacious proposal by English actor अत्रस्त दस्तदराज दुःसाहसी निडर उ:   वह बचपन से ही निडर और बेबाक थीं। निहडर बेखतर बेदहल भयशून्य
Other : ढीठ
Audacious ki paribhasha : chedivnshiy kuti ka putr harivnsh vah jo gurujanon ke saamane aisa kaam kare jo anuchit ho bali ka putr jo shaap ke kaaran gadha ho gaya tha
Audacious synonyms
foolhardy bold resolute adventurous courageous risky brassy brave cheeky daredevil dauntless enterprising fearless intrepid nervy rash unafraid undaunted valiant venturesome ungoverned aweless gutty smart ass uncurbed brazen assuming bantam brash defiant disrespectful forward impertinent impudent insolent rude saucy shameless
Audacious antonyms
careful cautious cowardly meek timid afraid fearful shy weak gentle humble mild modest reserved yielding
Usage of Audacious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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